The Andalusia Chamber of Accounts has uncovered a hole of 1.2 million euros without justify Exercises 2021, 2022 and 2023. It is one of the conclusions of the subsidy control report granted to the sector by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports that has just done public the parliamentary extraction body that supervises the accounts of the Board.
The opinion of the Chamber of Accounts is striking, not only for denouncing an imbalance in accounting and demanding the Andalusian government to “review and detect errors”, but because one of the main responsible in the Tourism Department during the investigated period was The former basis of the branch, Alejandro Cardenete, president today of the Supervisory Body who has issued a report by questioning his own management in the tourist portfolio.
It is not an unfavorable report, but a resolution “with opinion of legality with caveats”, which urges the Junta de Andalucía to correct those “errors” implementing another system of control of the aid that corroborates that the beneficiary hotel companies used the money for what were destined. The Ministry of Tourism, to questions from this newspaper, not valued the content of the report and ensures that “at this time it is being analyzed.”
Among the breaches that the opinion reviews, to which this newspaper has had access, this lag in accounting states: “The amount that the General Directorate of Tourism has communicated to the BDNS (National Subsidies Database) amounts to 17,578,500, 59 euros, while the amount granted and included in Giro (Integral Management System of Organizational Resources of the Administration of the Junta de Andalucía and its entities instrumental) adds the amount of 18,771,300.59 euros. There is therefore a difference of 1,192,800 euros, corresponding to 204 files (21% of the total beneficiaries), which are not included in the file extracted from said database ”.
The Chamber of Accounts indicates that this hole in the Andalusian accounts breaches the General Law of Subsidies, in relation to the obligation that administrations have to “guarantee the right of citizens to know all the subsidies and public aid convened at each time” through due advertising and transparency. In the same sense, the Decree Law of Public Finance of the Junta de Andalucía would be breached.
The report also receives breaches of the legality in force in a handful of files analyzed -8% of the total subsidies granted equivalent to 37% of the total expenditure -, for example, a beneficiary company whose fiscal domicile is not in Andalusia; Other nine hotel establishments that registered their fiscal domicile in this community “after the deadline” established in the norm, “and evidence has been obtained that the previous fiscal domicile was in Andalusia.” Companies are indicated that receive aid exceeding 200,000 euros that sets the legislation as a limit, and others that are beneficiaries despite not justifying the purpose of the subsidy granted according to the law.
The subsidies of the Ministry of Tourism to Andalusian hotels affected by the impact of the pandemic are co -financed by European funds. The so -called “minimis aid” are intended for companies that EU member states do not have to notify the European Commission. In three files analyzed by the Chamber of Accounts, “the total amount granted as Minimis aid exceeds the amount established by law.”
In 37 files of the sample analyzed, the period of six months to resolve and notify the resolution established by the regulations is not met. In another case, a beneficiary company did not continue to register in the Economic Activities Tax (IAE) after receiving aid, as governs in the law. The supervisory body has also detected in seven other aid files that the beneficiaries have not remained six months in the IAE, and two others “do not comply with the maintenance of registration in the Andalusian tourist registry at six months.”
The Chamber of Accounts also ranges the Ministry of the Branch that has not carried out the precise controls on the field or has prepared a plan to control the legitimate use of the aid granted to these hotels.
Among the recommendations collected by the report, the obligation to develop another internal control system to “detect errors”, which allows “identify risk factors in certain areas and enable to achieve the objectives through the implementation of controls to mitigate the risks detected ” It also urges “establishing and verifying that controls are carried out in all files, to verify compliance with the requirements that must be maintained at six months by the beneficiaries.”
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