The economy and the debt brakeas well as the immigrationspending on Defensethe Energy transitionhe Demographic challenge and the Lack of labor Qualified are the issues that took the center of the political debate throughout the electoral campaign and the different parties wrote their electoral programs to contribute their vision of how to solve and address these issues from their ideological perspective.
The democratic conservatives of CDU, led by Friedrich Merz, unanimously chose an electoral program in which they will seek to recover Germany’s leadership as an economic and stability power. The key to your program is to reduce taxes and control illegal migration in the country. The measure they are carrying by flag throughout the campaign is that of gradually reduce the company tax up to 25%. They also advocate also reduce income tax, although without detailing exact figures. Of course, he reiterated that to finance these tax relief, it would be necessary for people with higher income to face tax rates of up to 60%.
Regarding pensions, the conservatives, Merz repeatedly said that he was not going to cut them And that their plan is to encourage those who want to continue working beyond 67 years of age, allowing them to earn up to 2,000 euros per month free of taxes in addition to the pension.
But experts estimate that these economic measures of the CDU are “too ambitious” and that they will cost “billions of euros.” In addition, if the party refuses a modification of the debt brake, it would be very difficult to carry them out since it would have to cut in other budget items.
In defense, they want Germany to acquire more responsibilities within NATO and to dedicate more than 2% of GDP to this matter.
The electoral program of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), headed by Olaf Scholz, wants completely break Germany’s indebtedness rules to have the money needed to do what they call “urgent investments.” These would be, above all, those related to infrastructure and ecological transition. In this sense, they speak of a Germany fund that would use to mobilize resources, both public and private, to stimulate the economy. They are also in favor of flexible the debt brake to boost the growth of the country.
In tax matters, They want to recover the equity taxwhich stopped raising in Germany in 1990, to the fortunes that exceed 100 million with a type of 1%, maintaining the high thresholds of personal exemption.
On the other hand, the outgoing chancellor and social democratic candidate He promised in campaign that he would raise the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) of 12 euros an hour at 15 euros. With pensions, the SPD wants to guarantee in a long term a level of pensions, at least, 48%. They reject the pension cut and the increase in retirement age, which is in the 67 years.
Finally, with respect to the defense it is quite aligned with the democristians. He wants to increase expense to 2% of GDP and proposed as a long -term objective to create a “European defense union” around which a competitive European defense industry is generated.
The Greens
The green, led by vice chancellor and candidate Robert Habeck, are presented to these elections with their demands on your climate protection plansbut with a more lowered tone but that climatic policies go in line with the Paris Agreement.
They are in favor of applying a reform to the debt brake to make an “investment offensive” to boost the transition to a climatic economy. This includes significant renewable investments, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility.
In fiscal matters, They propose to increase the maximum tax rate for high income. Specifically, they propose that, from revenue of 100,000 euros for single (200,000 euros for marriages), the maximum type is 45%, and that, from income of 250,000 euros (500,000 euros for marriages), the type reaches the reach the 48%. They also speak of a patrimony tax of about 5% for those fortunes that exceed one million euros.
His proposal in pensions is the creation of a “citizen fund” to continue sustaining the system, but is also fed with state money.
Finally, in terms of defense, they support the modernization of the army, but with an approach oriented towards energy security and diplomacy, as established in the Constitution.
According to its electoral program, the alternative ultra -right party for Germany (AFD), led by Alice Weidel, They want Germany to retire from the EU. They defend coal and nuclear energy, in addition to the reactivation of natural gas imports from Russia.
In tax matters, advocates a significant decrease in taxesespecially for companies and citizens, with the aim of increasing economic competitiveness and investment. They propose to reduce the Corporation Tax and the IRPF.
With pensions, he suggests that they are more appropriate to the individual contribution of citizens, with an focus on the guarantee of higher pensions for German workers, avoiding depending on a system in which the funds come in part of immigrants. At the same time, they want to encourage private pension.
In terms of defense, they consider that Germany must increase its expense to guarantee national defense and comply with NATO designs.
FDP liberals, headed by Christian Lindner, They propose to relieve the fiscal burden of companies with high energy prices and less bureaucracy. German liberals are not in favor of modifying the debt brake and intends to find forms of saving other items. They also want to radically reform social benefits focusing on incentives to accept paid jobs. That is, force the unemployed to take the initiative and demonstrate that they have done so. Those who do not receive less social benefits, says the FDP platform
Die Linke
Diene Linke’s neocommunists They want to introduce higher taxes for the rich, Including a 60% succession tax for those with an inheritance of 3 million euros or more. They also propose to increase the SMIA 15 euros per hour and 53% pensions of net income, together with a total system reform.
#CDU #proposes #societies #SPD #punish #rich #raise #SMI