The case of Dylan, a girl from Texas with cancer who mobilized the entire eastern part of the state

No parent wants to face the situation of having to find a way to save their child's life. Unfortunately, the Olsen They are in a campaign to help the little girl Dylan who is fighting cancer in East Texas. Fortunately, they have received support from the community.

According to information from the National Institute of Cancer of USA, In the country, it is estimated that in 2023 9,910 new cases of child cancer, from birth to 14 years of age, and although death rates decreased by 70 percent between 1970 and 2020, it still remains the leading cause of death in that group. The most common types are leukemias, brain tumors, central nervous system tumors, and lymphomas. But the case of Dylan is special.

TO Dylan Olsen They were diagnosed Ewing sarcoma, a kind of cancer that, according to the American Society of Canceronly affects 1 percent of all children who have this condition, which can also spread to bones, tissues and other organs.

The 6-year-old girl was diagnosed in October of this year. Her parents decided to take her to the doctor because the little girl expressed pain in her ankle, which led them to request an examination. They did not imagine that the analysis would reveal a tumor on his leg so aggressively that it has since metastasized to his lungs.

To address your situation, Dylan He started taking chemotherapy at Children's Health in Dallas last month. Her mother told the media how KLTV that the situation has not been easy for the family: “You know, she is a 6-year-old girl, why does she have to do these things, why is her hair falling out, why does she have to take certain medications.”

According to the mother, Dylan He will undergo chemotherapy over the next few weeks and then the possibility of surgery to remove the tumor in his leg will be evaluated.

A light in the darkness: the Texas community comes together to support the little girl and her family

According to what was disclosed by the mother, her insurance is paying the hospitalization expenses. However, they are still evaluating whether their premium will cover everything necessary to care for the minor, including some medications, otherwise they know the financial burden will be enormous.

Fortunately, the community in eastern Texas has decided to lend its support and so far more than US$19,000 has been raised through GoFundMe. And not only from people who have opened their hearts and their wallets, but from companies that have joined forces for the fundraising.

To do this, the family has had the support of Shawn Bowling, a friend who has organized many of the efforts, including the creation of the GoFundMe page and more recently a discount card initiative that they are trying to promote through local businesses . “The community has been more than supportive, people want to give, people want to help, people want to be part of a solution,” Bowling said.

The plan now is to manufacture discount cards that people can buy and then use in various commercial locations, each of the companies will be able to establish what discount they will give to buyers, and the income will be used to cover the financial expenses necessary to the little one Dylan. Impressively, so far 12 companies have joined, although the intention is to reach between 18 and 20 businesses before launching the cards.

Although the family is in Dallas for the minor to receive her treatment, they assure that they are receiving all the support and love from the community. “It's definitely been overwhelming in the best of ways. We've felt all the love,” said the mother of Dylan.

Those interested in continuing to support this campaign can visit the minor's Facebook page “Dylan The Determined” not only to support the fundraising efforts, but to find out about the little girl's health status.

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