The main personalities of the economic and civil sector From Catalonia and Spain, the President of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, where he has announced a plan of 18,500 million euros to “recover the economic leadership” of the community in Spain, have attended this Friday. Together with the Catalan president, the Plana Mayor of the Generalitat and its 16 consellers have supported a plan Catalunya leaders what are you looking for Business and Catalan population collaboration.
In the center of the Paraninf of the Industrial School of Barcelona, the head of the Catalan Executive has spoken his speech against the former president of Catalonia, the also socialist, José Montilla; the PSC dome; the president of the Diputació de Barcelona, Lluïsa Moret and by the government, The Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu.
Regarding economic poweramong the attendees were the president of Banco Sabadell, Josep Oliu; the president of the Molins cement, Joan Molins; the new president of Telefónica, Marc Murtra; the president of the Board of Directors of Enagás, Antoni Llardén; and the former president of the Circle of Economy, Javier Faus.
The Secretary General UGT Catalunya, Javier Pacheco; TO THE PRESIDENT OF FOMENT DEL TREBALLJosep Sánchez Llibre; The Certificate of Criteria, Ángel Simon or the President of Aena, Maurici Lucena.
The Plan of the Government: 18.5 billion until 2030
The Executive will mobilize 18,500 million euros -13.7 billion of the administration and 4,800, Through credits from the Catalan Finance Institute– Until 2030 with the aim that Catalonia “recovers leadership and Be the economic engine of Spain And it becomes a European toe region. ”
“It is the most ambitious investment since 2010,” Illa said during his speech at the Industrial School. The Catalan president has placed the business sector and workers Build a “shared prosperity” model in which “let’s not leave anyone behind.” Therefore, the leader of the Government has supported the need to bet on public policies and fair taxation.
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