The Board of Extremadura knew the open incidents to the minors involved in the murder of the educator in Badajoz

The three minors involved in the murder of the social educator of Badajoz had several incidents open for their behavior and the Board of Extremadura had already transferred from them to justice, specifically to the adolescence and family service of the Badajoz minors section, so it was waiting for a decision.

The Extremadura Minister of Health and Social Services, Sara García Espada, explained on Tuesday that these incidents were opened by other floor workers where minors resided to comply with the judicial measures imposed by crimes that they committed previously, but in no case there were complaints. There was also a prior complaint of the victim against young people, but against other users who were no longer in the resource.

The counselor added that these young people had “very little time” on the floor of the Guadiana urbanization where the events happened, although the incidents for their behavior are “of the last weeks.” Therefore, despite the problems of coexistence, the Board had not yet determined the transfer of minors to other floors while justice analyzed made a decision, which could be the internment in a reform center.

The floors have an open regime and minors arrive to comply with judicial measures, either in a precautionary way or after a firm sentence. In Extremadura, homes for coexistence in educational groups are managed by private companies, although supervised by health and social services. In this case, the company that manages the appeal is Cerujovi, which accessed the service in 2022 and ends this 2025, but which, according to the Board, fulfilled the contract sheet.

The counselor has advanced that the Board already works in a new tender, “which will lead to the reinforcement of resource personnel” after the criticisms of workers and unions, which have denounced working conditions and lack of security in the floors for young people in conflict with the law and in the children’s centers.

In the resource of Badajoz, five educational technical assistants worked, one coordinator and another professional, all with rotating shifts. But at the time of the murder of María Belén CF, she was the only caregiver on the floor on Sunday night when, allegedly two adolescents, aged 14 and 15, and a 17th girl, ended her life by hitting her and suffocating her with a belt.

The minors fled in the vehicle of the social educator and, after having an accident in the municipality of Lobón and arriving in Mérida in Hestop, were arrested by the National Police in the Extremadura capital.

At the last minute of Monday they gave a statement before the judge, which at the request of the Minors Prosecutor’s Office ordered the precautionary measure of internment under closed regime. The proceedings are followed by the crimes of homicide, theft with violence and against road safety.

In addition, the Minister of Health and Social Services announced that on Wednesday he will meet with the Superior Court of Justice of Extremadura (TSJEX) and the Minors Prosecutor’s Office “to analyze the situation and coordinate the necessary actions.”

#Board #Extremadura #knew #open #incidents #minors #involved #murder #educator #Badajoz

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