The acceleration of metabolism It is essential to facilitate the weight loss process and burning fat in the body. Herbs, teas and herbal infusions are an excellent option to achieve this. In addition, rosemary, sesame and lemon peel oils are very effective in reducing localized fat in the body.
One of the most popular herbs to speed up metabolism is green teadue to its high antioxidant content. You can prepare a tea mixture that includes 4 teaspoons of green tea, 4 teaspoons of mate leaves, 2 teaspoons of thyme and 2 teaspoons of nettle leaves. Boil everything in 1 liter of water and consume regularly.
Cinnamon is another effective herb that helps activate metabolism. and regulate blood sugar, which suppresses appetite. You can consume it with milk or yogurt powder, add it to tea powder or even consume the branch with drinking water.
Parsley is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates edema and burns fat.You can prepare a parsley and lemon healing mixture by processing a bunch of clean, fresh parsley with a glass of lemon juice and a glass of water. Blend the ingredients in a food processor until they have a smooth consistency and drink it.
Yerba mate activates stagnant metabolism and reduces hungerSimply add a tablespoon of dried or ground mate leaves to 200 ml of hot water and let the leaves steep for 7 to 8 minutes.
Ginger is a diuretic and helps eliminate edema. You can consume it as a herbal tea in powder form or add it to your drinking water along with a slice of lemon. Mint is also effective in maintaining a feeling of satiety and regulating the digestive system. You can add it raw to salads, drinking water, yogurts and as a spice in all dishes.
In addition to the herbs mentioned above, fennel leaves and heather are also effective in speeding up metabolism and burning fat. Clove tea is another herbal tea that can help reduce weight, especially if consumed regularly for a month.
Finally, cinnamon and ginger tea It is another effective herbal mixture that you can prepare by mixing 1 cinnamon stick, 1 ginger root, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 6 cardamoms and 2 cloves in 1 liter of water. After boiling everything, add a teaspoon of honey and consume it regularly.
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