He did not give credit. The Frac collector at his door to transmit that he had a debt to the bank. They did not tell him the amount or the concept so he decided to appeal in his people’s office, a town in Barcelona, to know more about it and “settle what he should.” His surprise was capitalized to see “what everything was going,” he told Pepa Romero and his collaborators in ‘And now Sonsoles‘(Antena 3), where the journalist gave the replica to an absent sonsoles onega.
Iván Gálvez, the affected person in question, has advanced: “I am still processing it.” By knowing the story, all Tertullians and the public on set has understood their stupefaction. «I was in Barcelona and my office is in my town, so I went to a branch in Barcelona. I gave my DNI, they looked at him … It was in an account that I had without using, which was the one I used before for the scholarships while studying. They told me that nothing came out, none pending debtso I called again the number they had given me previously and finally I knew everything, ”he recalled.
That “everything” was the following: Iván Gálvez had a pending payment of two cents. «Two cents! The worst is that I have not been able to tell me about what, but it has been ridiculous, surreal. Wow, at first I thought it was a scamHuh? ”, The affected young man has sentenced.
Pepa Romero He asked him what he did and how he paid the debt. «Don’t you threw them in the face? Did they really charge it? ”Asked Friday’s presenter. Ivan has affirmed that he paid that amount and that he did it «both me and the girl who attended me began to laugh, because it was surreal! They had been calling me for that time so I didn’t give credit to the situation, seriously.
This young man has shared with the audience that paid him in cash. “I recorded it to share it in networks and I have arrived a lot of messages from people who didn’t understand anything that also made them very funny,” he said. Both Pepa Romero and the rest of Tertulians have shared with him the disbelief of what happened, they have laughed with him and have even told him: «You had not to have paid it, to see how much the bank was spent to send to the Frac collector Again and again to pay something that is completely ridiculous ».
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