The attorney general asks to summon Miguel Ángel Rodríguez to the Supreme Court for the leaking of Ayuso’s partner’s emails

The State Attorney General moves his record and asks the Supreme Court that Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s right-hand man in the Community of Madrid, testify as a witness in the case for revelation of secrets that is being investigated against him. The State Attorney’s Office, as La Vanguardia has reported and has been able to confirm, has requested this procedure from Judge Ángel Hurtado, explaining that there are “indications” that the Madrid president’s chief of staff agreed “to a part of the content of the emails” in which the defense of Alberto González Amador offered a pact to the Prosecutor’s Office for his case of confessed double tax fraud.

The Supreme Court is investigating whether the attorney general, Álvaro García Ortiz, or the provincial prosecutor of Madrid Pilar Rodríguez leaked this email exchange to the press last March. The case initially analyzed whether a statement from the Prosecutor’s Office about the case revealed secrets, but the high court ruled out that possibility, pointing in another direction: the statement did not reveal secrets because several media outlets had already published everything, and it aims to discover whether the attorney general is behind that leak.

The first step, after placing the case under partial summary secrecy, was to intervene seven months of communications on the attorney general’s cell phone, tablet and computer. Now it is Álvaro García Ortiz who wants the investigating judge to explore another possibility: that the first leaker of these emails, at least partially, was Miguel Ángel Rodríguez.

The newspaper El Mundo was the first to publish, last March, that there were conversations between Ayuso’s partner and the Prosecutor’s Office to seek an agreement in their case of double tax fraud revealed by This information stated that the offer to agree had come from the Public Ministry and the Prosecutor’s Office decided to issue a statement early in the morning of the next day detailing the reality of those conversations.

That same night, as reported by that newspaper, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez himself sent various journalists the content of an email sent by prosecutor Julián Salto to Alberto González Amador’s lawyer, adding a falsehood that several media outlets published: that this pact had been stopped by the highest levels of the Public Ministry. The first information from El Mundo cited the complete list of emails and cited sources from the defense of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner.

The State Attorney’s Office explains that “the first revelation of secrets was by Miguel Ángel Rodríguez,” also accusing him of having spread a “hoax.” “He spread manifestly false information,” he adds. It also requests the testimony of professionals from up to seven media outlets that published information on the matter.

Throughout the entire process, the Prosecutor’s Office has defended that its first statement did not reveal details that were secret or that had not already been published by the media. With these testimonies from journalists, he now adds, he seeks to elucidate whether the leak occurred before the attorney general received those emails in his personal email when he requested them from prosecutor Julián Salto to prepare the statement.

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