The alcohol lock is a device that prevents the vehicle from starting, the installation of which is imposed by the judge when the driver has exceeded the maximum permitted blood alcohol limit (0.8 grams of alcohol in the blood). Let’s find out how the breathalyzer connected to the car’s starting system works, also called AIS (Alcohol interlock system) or IID (initiation interlock device) or BAIID (breath alcohol ignition interlock device), mandatory in some cases as one of the latest updates provides of the Traffic Lawswhich exacerbates sanctions with measures undertaken against for whom driving while intoxicated.
How alcohol lock works which blocks the car
It is a machine similar to that of spirometry used in sports medicine orbreathalyzer employed by the police force. This tool consists of a sensor, a fan and a nozzle into which you can exhale. The device analyses the percentage of alcohol present in the blood by analyzing the air exhaled from the lungs. Unlike the breathalyzer, the AlcoLock it is directly connected to the car control unit and, if the permitted values are exceeded (0 g/L for repeat offenders), it prevents the engine from starting.

How does Alcolock work?
The Alcolock is present on cars approved after the date of July 2022. Only those who have been are obliged to install it on the older ones condemned for driving under the influence of alcohol. Operation is quite simple, as the Alcolock works through an alcohol detection system and a locking device of the ignition. Below are the typical steps of operating an Alcolock:
- Starting the vehicle: When the driver sits behind the wheel and attempts to start the vehicle, the Alcolock requires an alcohol test before allowing the ignition.
- Alcohol test: The driver is asked to blow into a respirator or provide a breath sample for alcohol detection. The device contains sensors that measure the amount of alcohol in your breath.
- Alcohol detection: The sensor in the Alcolock device analyzes the breath sample to determine the level of alcohol present in the driver’s system. If the detected alcohol level exceeds the preset threshold (generally corresponding to the legal limit), the device moves to the next step.
- Ignition lock: if the test reveals an alcohol level higher than the preset threshold, the Alcolock prevents the vehicle from starting. In some devices, an audible or visual signal may sound to indicate that the permitted limit has been exceeded.
- Repeat the test: The Alcolock requires periodic testing while driving. This is to prevent “passing the wheel” and prevent a sober passenger from blowing into the device to allow the driver (who has been drinking) to start the vehicle.
- Data recording: The Alcolock records the results of alcohol tests carried out, which can be used for monitoring and reporting. This data may be checked by relevant authorities to ensure compliance and correct use of the device.

Current law on drunk driving
The main changes concern the indiscriminate way in which the regulations are applied. While previously there were different degrees of assessment of driver readiness, now the only significant factor is positivity to altering substances. Regardless of the assessment of the driver’s state of lucidity, confirmation of employment will be sufficient to face criminal consequences.

Please remember that the Art. 186 already provided for sanctions from 500 to 2,000 eurosor the license suspension from 3 to 6 months for those who were driving with a blood alcohol level between 0.5 and 0.8 g/L; while for i for newly licensed drivers the threshold is 0g/L. Fines that increase in severity as the blood alcohol level increases, up to 1.5 g/L or higher. In this case there is a risk offine from 1,500 to 6,000 EUR, arrest from 6 months to a year, license suspension from 1 to 2 years, preventive seizure of the vehicle and confiscation of the vehicleunless it belongs to a person unrelated to the crime.
Read also,
→ How much does it cost to install it and when is it mandatory
→ When the alcohol lock obligation comes into force.
→ BAC, maximum blood alcohol limits for driving
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