With the month of December already looming, the meteorological winter is about to settle in Spain permanently. Although this weekend will be marked by the predominance of sun and the stability In almost the entire country, the situation will change towards the end of Sunday, as the State Meteorological Agency has warned (Aemet).
It will be throughout this day when the new station arrives in our country, also accompanied by a atlantic front that will return the rain to many parts of the territory. The storm, which will enter through Galicia At the beginning of next week, he will stop cold air and much more cloudiness in the west of the peninsula.
After a few days of mild temperatures, especially in the south and east of the peninsula, where they will be above 20 degreeshe thermal drop will finally reach many points of the Peninsula. However, this cold air is expected to be somewhat more noticeable starting next week, thus leaving cooler temperatures throughout the territory and some frosts.
Weekend prediction:
In general there is a predominance of sun, although on Sunday cloudiness will increase in the west of the peninsula.
Only rain is expected in Galicia; On Sunday there will also be occasional showers in the interior of the peninsula and in the afternoon in the Canary Islands.
pic.twitter.com/N8bC8tlt5L— AEMET (@AEMET_Esp) November 28, 2024
The eyes are already set on the next December Bridgewhich begins this Friday December 6 and that it will grant some holidays so that many workers can enjoy a well-deserved vacation. Even with a lot of uncertainty, everything indicates that we will have a radical time change Looking ahead to this date, with the arrival of new rainsaccording to several meteorological models.
A new rain front arrives in Spain this Sunday
Looking ahead to the weekend, as Aemet has anticipated, we will generally have «predominance of sun»although on Sunday we could have a little more “cloudiness in the west of the peninsula.” Few rains for these days in the Peninsula, with instability centered in Galicia and some occasional showers “in the interior of the peninsula and in the afternoon in the Canary Islands,” the agency warns. There will also be morning mists and mists.
For its part, following the dynamics of these days, temperatures will also remain “above normal” in almost the entire country. It will highlight the absence of frostmotivated by this somewhat softer environment, and we will have maxims that will remain around the 25ºC in some areas of the southern half of the peninsula and the Canary Islands during Saturday and part of Sunday.
The situation will change starting Sunday, according to experts in meteorologywhich already anticipate the return of the rains after several days marked by stability. The arrival of a in front of Galicia It will once again bring rainfall to some parts of the country, maintaining these showers also for next week.
As explained from eltiempo.es, this Sunday it could rain “in Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, the Basque Country, Castile and León and in a very isolated and irregular way in Estremadura, Castile-La Mancha, Rioja and even Aragon and north of Andalusia». Showers are not ruled out in Catalonia, the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands. At the moment, it seems that the area most affected by this locally heavy rainfall could be Canary Islandswhere it is expected that a trough accompanied by cold air in height could be dropped at the end of the weekend.
The weather for the December Long Weekend 2024
With a lot of uncertainty still around what could happen in the face of the December Long Weekend, the experts at eltiempo.es They already point out that «a ridge and the anticyclone “They would advance on the peninsula again.” All of this would increase stability in many parts of Spain, especially starting Thursday, December 5.
Weather models currently show that, heading into December 6, Constitution Dayawaits us “high pressure situation” on the Peninsula. This tranquility could only be disturbed in some parts of the north of Galicia and the regions of Cantabrianwhere a very weakened forehead It could move in throughout the weekend, leaving rain.
Regarding the temperatures of the Puente de la Constitución, it seems that next week there could be some notable declines in the values: “Temperatures will experience a slight decrease, locally moderate, and the frosts can extend to all the mountain systems of the north and center and to a large part of the Northern Plateau, reaching moderate in the Pyrenees,” Aemet has warned. Even so, everything indicates that temperatures “they would be above the average in all of Spain”.
#Aemet #warns #weather #December #long #weekend #Spain #areas