The Directorate of the State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) will study whether the dissemination of an audio of one of its workers and a technique of the Emergency Service of the Generalitat 112 on the day of the DANA that swept a large part of the province of Valencia of Valencia It can be constitutive of some type of crime. In that case, it will be assessed if the institution undertakes legal actions against those responsible for the filtration.
Thus it appears in an internal communication of the organism after several media published a Audio with an extract of a conversation Between one technique of the AEMET and another of the Emergency Coordination Center of the Generalitat on the morning of the day of the flood.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, echoed this audio that reproduced in his account of social network X: “Aemet’s call to the Generalitat at 12:08 of October 29: ‘We are not going to dizzy with more notices. “Meanwhile, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Morán, replied with another message in which he stated:” Mazón, on the edge of crime, manipulating the audios of 112 “.
Aemet herself made public a statement in which He explained that audio. Thus, he explained that the meteorologist “transfers, as corresponds to the exercise of her functions, which at 12.01 noon the morning forecasts'” have been confirmed and that “no changes have been made.”
“Indicated that the prediction was maintained and that red level notices were reaffirmed Due to torrential rainfall that had been activated for the province of Valencia between 7,36 and 9.41 in the morning, “said the AEMET. In addition, he indicated that throughout that morning there had been conversations between the two agencies to” report promptly The situation “.
Now, in a communication to its staff, the agency manifests its will to “Protect all attacks from attacks from different areas, especially social networks.” In addition, It expresses their solidarity with those who have suffered threats or attempts to discredit for their work properly.
It also shows all its support to the affected predictor – whose work was impeccable, defends – and laments the “Handle and misrepresented use” That has been done. In the same way, he considers that the information that was transmitted was clear, precise and of great value for emergency services to later make decisions.
#Aemet #proposed