The moment of truth has arrived for Sumar’s former spokesperson Íñigo Errejón. Outside of the party and Parliament, this Thursday he faces his first appearance before the judge investigating the complaint of sexual assault that the actress Elisa Mouliáa filed against him in the midst of a storm due to the publication of anonymous comments that accused him of behavior of this type. It will be in the Court of Instruction number 47 of Madrid starting at twelve thirty in the morning.
However, the focus is on her, who will arrive at eleven with her credibility affected by the statements she has been offering to the media and the strategy of her previous lawyer. Legal sources consulted by ABC emphasize that the course of the matter This will depend on the consistency in your story. and to provide some more evidence, since until now, he has only shown the messages he exchanged with a friend expressing his disappointment with the politician. More than three years have passed since the events he recounts. It would be key to have a witness.
According to his defense sources surveyed by ABC, Mouliaá comes with the willingness to ratify his complaint, a last-minute twist of script is not expected. Of course, he will try to complement the story, sparse in details but above all in context, that he offered at the police station that October day when Errejón announced his resignation, losing his capacity, and she, who heard him justify himself in terms such as “patriarchal dynamics,” He went to file a complaint.
What Mouliaá said is that after talking with Errejón for a while through messages on a social network, he invited her to the presentation of one of his books. She came, they had something afterwards and although she noticed that the situation was not flowing, she agreed to invite him to accompany her to an event she had next, a party at a friend’s house. It was when he got into the car that would take them that he perceived in the politician a change of attitude that would trigger, always according to his version, the events.
First, in the elevator that took them up to the party, where he lunged at her to kiss her and intimidated her. Then, at the party, at one point he grabbed her arm, took her into a room, locked it, and threw her on the bed and then fell on top of her, all without her consent.
The complaint states that she, blocked, managed to get out of there claiming that she could not leave her friend alone and accepting that, as Errejón proposed, in a few minutes they would go home together. And they arrived, and the situation was repeated, but something had changed: the actress’s father had called her to warn her that his son had a fever. She stopped, he stopped and she left the place.
The ‘whites’ in the story
What was not explained, according to the sources consulted, is what elements influenced the decision to enter the party with him after what happened in the elevator or accompany him up to his floor after what happened at the party.
There are also doubts about the contact they continued to maintain via messages a few days later, a couple of brief exchanges in which the issue was not addressed. Finally, there is the time that has passed, what has happened in her life since then and the reasons that led her to file the complaint that day.
He will be able to explain all this to questions from Judge Adolfo Carretero and his new lawyer, Alfredo Arrién, a well-known profile in the Investigative Courts of Madrid, but also in the Prosecutor’s Office and Errejón’s defense deployed by the lawyer Eva Gimbernatwhose push has allowed the statement to be called: Mouliaá’s previous lawyer, who accepted the case while in an advanced state of pregnancy, requested postponements because she was not fit and the instructor chose to file the case until she was ready to represent to the accusation.
An appeal by Gimbernat turned the matter around, calling this strategy a procedural fraud that would lengthen sine die the bench sentence of his client, deprived of the possibility of defending himself in court against what he called a “false complaint”, perhaps hoping that There were more women who would take the step of denouncing him for similar acts. This, by the way, has not happened. Only former Big Brother contestant Aída Nízar moved against Errejón in court. It has been archived.
Once the case was reopened and with the calendar already set, it was she who requested a little more time to be able to prepare the defense based on what Mouliaá said in the courtroom. You will have few minutes to do it, because they have been summoned an hour and a half apartenough margin so that they do not have to pass each other in the hallways, but very fair to prepare the statement if new elements emerge.
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