The à tip born from the left and CS takes stock of seven years before the PP-Vox era: more journalism and few resources

On April 25, Valencian self -government day that commemorates the Battle of Almansa, began the emissions in evidence of the reborn Valencian Public Radio. It was in 2018, five years after the closure of the old Channel 9 and two years after the Government of the PSPV Botanic, Compromís and Podem The new stage.

Among the points highlighted by the Governing Board in a statement made public last week, the journalists have been given to achieve an “objectivity of the informative content”, but, at the same time, they also regret the lack of resources with which the Valencian public entity has been endowed.

In the brief, he dates back to his creation, and recalls that in 2016 “everything was about to do”, that the Valencian public media “were non -existent”, and that “they are currently a reality”. They point out that the law of creation of the entity, now repealed by PP and Vox, was intended to “provide citizenship with plural, independent and rigorous public means that guaranteed territorial vertebration and cohesion, through the promotion of Valencian culture and their own language.”

Among the objectives affirmed, the Governing Board highlights plurality. This points to the creation of an news council, “necessary to ensure the independence, truthfulness and objectivity of the informative content, which has been governed by a regulation prepared with the participation of workers.” They also add that the Council of Citizenship “has allowed to introduce social representation and the will to have all and all means.”

On the other hand, they explain that the participatory nature “has been consolidated with the presence in this guiding board of representatives of the Audiovisual Council of the Valencian Community, of the workers and of the workers of the house, and also of the Council of Citizenship.” “This mechanism of democratic participation in the management of public media is contemplated by the most advanced societies, guarantee of the right of access and a plural representativeness. Our media would not have to be an exception, ”they add.

Fight against misinformation

On the professionalism of workers, they emphasize that they continue to think that informative verification, quality, independence and plurality in public media “are the guarantee of a strong democracy.” Therefore, they state that it is the responsibility of the whole society that in the audiovisual media can be seen, reading or listening to “truthful, objective, contrasted and from different and complementary points of view”. “Public media have the duty to work against the worrying current misinformation through the appropriate verification techniques. Therefore, we have always tried to work in full harmony with which it establishes the European Freedom Regulation of the media, ”they say.

Regarding adaptation to new technologies, they affirm that there has been an adaptation “to a new transmedia ecosystem within the framework of digital multidifusion and with a very fragmented consumption.” This has focused on the consumption of all platforms beyond traditional television.


Among the peers raised, the Governing Board warns that a “undecoriation” has suffered. Thus they point out that the management of the Corporation and its society “has raised some difficulties during these years”, which have been “practically since the beginning of the emissions.” They describe that, “since the presidency of this Governing Board, the organization chart to overcome some problems, in order to achieve a more executive and efficient management, that would have meant an improvement of labor relations and its own production. In fact, the three people who have occupied the presidency have reiterated that the existence of two entities did not contribute any benefits. ”

As for the cost of the Valencian public media in 2023, according to the annual report of the Audiovisual Council, it has been “only 13.36 euros per inhabitant, compared to 34.18 euros of the average expenditure in the whole of Spain”.

They also denounce a “lack of political will of the governments of the Generalitat Valenciana”, which has been the cause of “the absence of a collective agreement and the implementation of a stabilization plan.” They explain that “the selective and opposition process, started too late for reasons outside the CVMC and now stopped by the entry into force of the new law, has made it impossible to consolidate a staff of professionals, which has been in precarious conditions for years. Therefore, the next contract program will be necessary to contemplate in its objectives the appropriate adjustment to correct these imbalances.


Among the work done by workers, the Governing Council has claimed “the magnificent informative coverage of the DANA by à Punt, based on the principles of impartiality and independence that we have always defended. Both the address and each and every one of the people who have participated in the informative management of the catastrophe and its consequences, have had a ‘modelic behavior’, according to the analysis made by the Informative Council of à Punt ”.

Therefore, they ensure that “the return and social empathy of Valencian citizenship regarding this informative coverage, has led to some audience record figures, as several public and private media have recognized, which has converted our audiovisual media into a reference that has to be a public service.”

The statement concludes claiming continuity of the workforce as well as the provision of necessary resources. “A public service that has adequate management mechanisms to guarantee professional independence within the framework of informative plurality. A general service that always has the support and commitment of the Administration to consolidate a Valencian audiovisual communication of the 21st century. ”

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