“I didn't like myself and I didn't accept myself”: having recovered from cancer, Samantha De Grenet had to face another obstacle
In a long and quite touching interview given to the weekly People, Samantha DeGrenet she returned to talk about the disease that struck her in 2018, breast cancer which, as she explains, she discovered she had by chance, while she was at the seaside with a friend. She is well today, but the especially mental consequences that the disease has left her still do not leave her.
Samantha De Grenet has returned to speak with an open heart about what, without a doubt, was the hardest and most delicate period of her life. The one where she fought against a breast cancer. It was the summer of 2018 and while she was at the seaside with a friend, she noticed she had a 'lump' on her right breast. Her friend told her to get checked out and she followed her advice, discovering that it was indeed cancer and that she needed to be operated on immediately.
Weekly People the presenter and splendid show woman told us what hers were biggest fearsobviously leaving her son Brando and her husband Luca, but also how she found the couragethanks to her husband who was always by his side.

The surgery was a success. Together with the oncologist, De Grenet continues, there was also a plastic surgeon who fixed her breasts. Yet, the following period, the one in which the danger had so to speak escaped, was not simple anyway:

I was another me and I didn't like myself. Because of the drugs I was emotionally nervous, I smiled very little. Physically I saw myself as swollen, as if my body were about to explode, I didn't recognize myself. I disguised myself in abundant clothes. Every time I passed a mirror I avoided even letting my eyes touch it. And sometimes, I confess, they were filled with tears. But I often tell myself that in my bad luck I was lucky. Today I'm here to tell you about it and this is the most important thing. I have also found confidence in my physicality and I have a great desire to do, even at work.
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