A force exercise is any activity that involves the use of resistance to achieve muscle contraction, and thus increase anaerobic resistance, muscle strength and muscles size.
Although it is a recommended activity at all stages of life, the truth is that it is especially important for women in perimenopause and menopause in order to combat osteoporosis and sarcopenia.
Those people with more than 50 years who want to work the strength without using machines, can resort to the use of dumbbells or backpacks with weight: «The most important thing is to always do it with the correct posture and the appropriate weight to make it efficient and not harmful. As for the frequency, the ideal would be to work in 3-4 rounds of eight repetitions and if you want, in Superserie of two exercises in a row but that are of different muscle groups. This will cause you to train more in less time, maximizing the effort, ”says Roberto Hernández, CEO of Bâtard Crossboxing Studio.
Why is it important? He strength training Prevents osteoporosis, improves metabolism by increasing muscle mass, also reduces the risk of injuries because it protects body structure, joints and bones and because it is also a tool that enhances hormonal protection in women.
Ten simple strength exercises
There is a wide variety of force exercises with or without dumbbells, but these are some of the most popular:
1. Seadillas with central dumbbell: Holding a dumbbell at the ends and with both hands, we perform the classic squats, very effective to work leg and buttocks.
2. Dead weight with dumbbells: Key exercise used to strengthen hamstrings and buttocks, while taking care of the lower back.
3. Chest press with dumbbells: The chest press helps develop the upper body, mainly the chest and triceps.
4. Rowing with dumbbells: It is a perfect exercise to strengthen the back and improve posture. You have to make sure you have a good inclination of the torso.
5. Stosine: Its objective, improve balance and tone the legs, especially buttocks and quadriceps.
6. Slipping bridge: Effective to work the buttocks and strengthen the lower back.
7. Shoulder press with dumbbells: Ideal to improve strength and stability on the shoulders.
8. Iron: The iron is essential for the CORE, helping to strengthen the abdominal and stabilizer muscles.
9. Modified flexions: The modified flexions allow the chest and arms to work, even if you cannot make them complete.
10. French press: This exercise is ideal for strengthening triceps and being able to tone arms, avoiding to a greater extent that the skin falls.
Provides benefits
Strength training is key to health and well -being, but beyond aesthetics it provides other fundamental benefits such as:
– Osteoporosis prevention: strengthens bones and reduces the risk of fractures.
– Improvement of metabolism: It increases muscle mass and favors caloric expenditure.
– Reduction of injury risk: improves joint stability and mobility.
– Mental well -being: helps reduce stress and improve self -esteem.
– The risk of noncommunicable diseases is reduced by 30%.
– It is a tool that enhances hormonal protection in women.
– Prevents the consequences of the decrease in estrogen and progesterone.
– Muscle is a key organ to maintain strength and health.
In addition, it improves mental health. Force exercises make endorphins release, which contributes to mental well -being. A study published in 2014 in the magazine ‘Frontiers in Psychology’ demonstrates that the use of low or moderate weights has beneficial effects for anxiety. It also has benefits for memory and cognitive function.
What happens if you don’t train strength
Despite all the information provided in all areas of health, not always cove and the numbers demonstrate it. According to WHO data, 60%of women in the world do not reach the levels of physical activity, and confess that reason, at least in Spain, is the lack of time (35%) and disinterest (25%).
When strength is not trained between 3-8% of annual skeletal muscle mass since the age of 30. In addition, sitting too many hours a day increases cardiovascular risk by 70%.
On the other hand, less than five hours of moderate activity a week increases the risk of cancer. The lack of mechanical stimulus hinders the assimilation of calcium in the bones.
In Spain it is estimated that 22.6% of women 50 years or older have osteoporosis. This disorder weakens the bones and usually causes hip fractures and spine, so that it affects mobility and the independence of those who suffer. Therefore, increasing muscle strength is important especially in postmenopausal women, because it improves bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis.
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