Go on In Director the rain storm in Madrid, Galicia and the rest of Spain, live, with the last hour of the cut roads, Aemet notices by the Borrasca Martinho and the last minute today.
Red level in three swamps of Seville that continue to be unpacked at rains
The Guadalquivir Hydrographic Conference (CHG) maintains the red level in three reservoirs of the province for possible floods in the flows of the rivers in which the waters accumulated by the rains of the last week are unpleasant. Thus, the reservoir of El Agrio, Melonares and Torre del Águila continue on alert for possible overflow or floods. On the other hand, the gergal, the bone and the painting are at yellow level, which has dropped the alert level in the last hours.
Dasting in terraces and homes in Huelva
The strong sprays of wind and the rains have caused destruction in terraces of establishments and in homes of El Rompid (Cartaya, Huelva), as explained by the City Council. From the Consistory they have detailed that damage has occurred due to “a possible marine manga” on some frontline terraces, “especially in one of them, in which the roof has been taken and the material has ended up impacting with the surrounding homes, which have also suffered damage.”
Almost 3,000 incidents in Andalusia since the beginning of the Borrascas train
Andalusia counts 2,963 incidents from the beginning of the Borrascas train that affects the community since the beginning of March after a quiet morning with just twenty incidents and marked by the monitoring and control of the flows of the rivers, which continue to receive contributions of runoff and streams, as well as the monitoring of the areas with greater risk by possible floods. As reported by the Emergency Coordination Center (CECEM 112), belonging to the Andalusian Emergency Agency (EMA), the arrival of the new Borrasca Martinho focuses the attention of emergency services to prevent risks associated with the heavy rains that are expected in the next few days, as well as the increase in flows in rivers and reservoirs.
The Board maintains active the Special Emergency Plan for the risk of floods in Andalusia (period) in emergency phase, operational situation 1, before weather forecasts. The plan’s management asks the population to take precaution and protect themselves actively avoiding crossing areas and steps.
Galicia dawns with winds of up to 166 km/hy dozens of traffic accidents
The storm has left a “very complicated” morning in Galicia, after registering dozens of traffic accidents on the roads of the community and wind bursts that reached 166 kilometers per hour in A Veiga (Ourense) and exceeded 140 km/h in Manzaneda or in Carballeda de Valdeorras (Ourense). Precisely the increase in wind intensity in the province of A Coruña has caused the State Meteorology Agency to raise the alert at the orange level early this morning, with bursts that could reach 110 km/h. The same level of alert for coastal phenomenon, with waves of up to seven meters, is active in part of the southern coast of the province of A Coruña and throughout the coast Pontevedra.
In addition, in this province more than 20 traffic accidents have been accounted for that have resulted in at least two injured people. As reported by the Government Subdelegate, Abel Losada, many of these incidents were due to the fall of trees on roads, even some rushing on cars.
The Tarifa Port (Cádiz) cancels departures to the city of weather by weather conditions
The port of Tarifa (Cádiz) has once again canceled on Thursday the majority of the outputs planned with Tangier Ciudad, except for the last of the day that is pending to confirm, due to the adverse meterological conditions caused by Borrasca Martinho, as reported by the website of the Port Authority of the Algeciras Bay, consulted by Europa Press.
For its part, the port of Algeciras at the moment operates normally both in the line with Tangier Med and Ceuta where they are scheduled for this Thursday new departures to the Ceutí city. It should be remembered that according to the website of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), consulted by Europa Press, in Cádiz the yellow alert for rain will remain in force until the end of Thursday’s day in the regions of Grazalema, the Strait and the countryside and the Cadiz coast. In these areas it is expected that in an hour there will be a accumulated precipitation of 20 liters per square meter and up to 40 l/m2 in the first twelve hours. In addition, these rains will be accompanied by storms in the environment of the Strait and the coast.
Civial protection reports the forecasts of rain, wind and coastal phenomena
Through X, Civil Protection has shared a map of the communities where Martinho Azote with abundant rains is expected. Also wind alert, storms and coastal phenomena, which will affect more hardness in the peninsular south.
Two minor injured in Pontevedra
The storm caused by Borrasca Martinho is also wreaking havoc in Galicia. In Pontevedra, two people have been minor injuries, while some roofs of schools and ships have been torn by the wind. In addition, the fall of trees has also caused various accidents.
Incidents in 87 Madrid municipalities
The storm has left incidents for the rains in 87 municipalities of the Community of Madrid and the caution is maintained in the basins of Jarama, Lozoya, Guadarrama, Alberche, Tajuña and Henares, as reported on Thursday the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.
In full of the Madrid Assembly, the Madrid leader has indicated that the region is facing the worst episode of showers in decades, although we can talk about “a certain normality” in schools or roads.
Borrasca Martinho today notice 15 CCAA, with Asturias, Cantabria and Galicia at the orange level
Borrasca Martinho puts more than half of Spain on Thursday in a day in which Points of Asturias, Cantabria and Galicia will be at orange level due to strength of strong wind and waves, according to the prediction of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet). Specifically, Cordillera y Picos de Europa (Principality of Asturias) and Liébana (Cantabria) will be in Orange by wind, while A Coruña and Pontevedra (Galicia) will be by waves.
The rest of wind notices will be recorded in La Palma (Canary Islands); Ribera del Ebro de la Rioja (La Rioja); Álava, Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya (Basque Country); Cantabrian aspect of Navarra, Center of Navarra, Navarro Pyrenees and Ribera del Ebro de Navarra (Community Foral of Navarra); Sierra de Madrid (Community of Madrid); A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense and Pontevedra (Galicia); Lleida (Catalonia); Cuenca and Guadalajara (Castilla-La Mancha); Ávila, Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Valladolid and Zamora (Castilla y León); Centro and Valle de Villaverde and Cantabria del Ebro (Cantabria); Mallorca (Balearic Islands); Southwestern Asturian (Principality of Asturias); Huesca and Zaragoza (Aragon); and Huelva and Jaén (Andalusia).
Madrid emergencies insists on the alert for overflows and asks for “maximum caution”
Madrid emergencies insists on “asking for maximum caution” in Madrid before the rains and the increase in the river flow because of the temporal Martinho. “The unbalanced in the El Pardo area follow,” they report on social networks, asking for “not to approach the stretches of the Manzanares not channeled.”