It was the most revealing video of the season: the political scientist Pablo Simóna reference for Spanish media progressivism, recommending that young aspiring elites “lie” to defend the European Union, emphatically insisting that they must convey to citizens that Brussels “will save their lives“and them”will give scholarships“, even though they know it is not true. Simón also celebrated the use of American pop icons such as Taylor Swift to connect with the young electorate, as if in the European Union there were no cultural references to do so. As if that were not enough, the professor refers to all the Eurosceptic parties as “the bad ones”, confirming the militant Manichaeism of his public interventions in La Sexta.
EU classism
Can anyone be surprised that, in the face of these cultural uprooting and submission to the United States. The conference where Simón encourages young people to “lie” was held under an enlightening motto: “VEP: Very European Person”, a play on words with the status of VIP (Very Important Person)which alludes to rich and influential people who occupy social spaces that the common people are not allowed to access. This is the umpteenth confirmation of the classism of the EU project, conceived as an unequal space where the elites of Brussels act with hardly any democratic control.
Months before Simón’s video went viral, I wrote a column explaining that the current cultural battle could have its symbolic reflection in Taylor Swift as a globalist icon and Morante de La Puebla as an icon of rootssovereignty and patriotism. It became evident to me walking through Madrid on the day this summer when the bullfighter returned to Las Ventas and the singer filled one of her four consecutive bernabéus. Swift is also an icon of European weakness because he had to cancel three concerts in Vienna due to a threat of Islamic terrorism that the security forces could not contain. The popular Europe that loves its betrayals and asks for security in the neighborhoods against the cosmopolitan elites who live in bubbles of privilege, it does not matter whether in Brussels or in Boston.
We live in the Europe that technocrats like Pablo Simón want, where institutional lies rule, there is no talk of corruption because the important thing is to stop “the bad guys”
The cultural problem of the EU was explained very well these days Carlos Femollosa andin the Valencian magazine Lletraferit: “Vertical economic and administrative integration has been done, yes, but what has been done to create a horizontal European identity, through that moral unity? Not a sad regular common television program, not a newspaper, not a simultaneous debate between candidates at the European level in elections that lack participation and where the protest vote floats, to give some striking examples…”, he explained. Our only points of contact are Eurovision, the Euro Cup and the Franco-German channel Artwhich arouses waning enthusiasm. We live in the Europe that technocrats like Pablo Simón want, where institutional lies rule, there is no talk of corruption because the important thing is to stop “the bad guys” and the northern elites continue to look at the Spanish, Portuguese, Italians and Irish as PIIGS ( pigs). Thank goodness Pablo Simón and other talking heads of technocracy are here to lie to us for our good.
#Taylor #Swift #Pablo #Simón #abandonment #European #culture