Throughout the centuries, the tattoos They have evolved as a form of expression to be part and occupy your own place In society. So much so that their demand has increased exponentially.
Although a part of the population decides to tattooed in their lives and declares themselves in favor of tattoos, another part remains totally remote and against their possible long -term effects Or simply by aesthetics.
Although there are different theories about the Effect of ink on healthresearchers from the South University of Denmark believe they could have found an answer about it.
These experts maintain, after conducting a study, that the ink in question does not remain in the skin of the area where you have tattooed, but that it can move all over the bodyputting lymph nodes at risk.
Increased cancer cells
If this ink migrates to the lymphatic system of a person, fundamental to combat infections, and enter the ganglia, the health of this could be in danger. An inflammation would cause the increase in cancer cells, which would be related, in the worst case, with the origin of A lymphoma.
That is why in research, scientists emphasize that Design size importssince the more ink there is in the skin and the greatest tattoo, there is a greater risk of suffering cancer in the future.
Although more studies are needed to ensure possible effects, experts believe that ink color It would also be a factor to consider. They also state that the red color, which contains more substances, could cause allergic reactions or difficulties.
Concern about ink toxicity has led some European Union countries to regulate some ingredients and substanceswhich could be prohibited or censored if a relationship with skin cancer cells is finally discovered.
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