Poland’s background has backed up after the Executive announced that the operation would be reviewed by the antiopa shield
For two days, the stock market activity of the Talgo rail giant has acquired a frantic rhythm, marked by the recent developments around the sales process in which it is immersed. If on Monday the shares fired 7.3% – even 4,195 euros – after the Polish State PFR Fund showed their interest in presenting an offer, today they have brought the opposite direction after the government blocked this operation.
After the publication of the news, in mid -morning the company’s actions have collapsed about 6% now now in the afternoon 7.42%, up to 3.99 euros. Thus, investors have reacted badly to the activation of the anti -expiration shield by the Executive, a circumstance that opens the door so that the Basque consortium led by Sidenor is the one that ends up becoming the majority shareholder of the company.
As ABC explained, the PFR – manufacturer’s fund weighs Antiopas, the same as this summer vetoed the same operation by the Hungarian Maygar Wagon.
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