that you have chosen hope,
everything is possible”.
Christopher Reeve
It's Monday, it's passed second debate heading to the presidential electionthe two candidates and the candidate have differences of character, perspective and vision, it seems that they speak of different countries. Reality has levels, it was not the same for them and for him. Government action was at the center of the debate, the contrast could not be avoided.
Citizens with courage will be able to choose the June 2nd, with courage because we want a clean election, an electoral day that is lived as a celebration of democracy without surprises or madness for power. Three years ago violence was the sign and now we hope it is not fashionable.
Xochitl, Claudia and Jorge They showed what they are made of, in this second debate Xóchitl fulfilled the expectation, head-on, with data and proposals, he stood up as he is; brave and intelligent, this is how she represents many men and women who believe in the strength of the feminine character, in the broad vision of equality and in respect for the ideas that a woman defends when she knows them to be hers. On the contrary, Claudia is He worked hard to defend the project 4T of the man-president, in ensuring that he did not feel excluded again and avoiding a second call for attention, fed the ego. Jorge will understand – that on this occasion – not being an opposition in unity is a suicidal act for the country, the monster is great. The commitment to division puts Mexico on the brink of the precipice. The continuity of the regime cancels freedoms and the future.
The debate was led by Alejandra Pérez Cañedo and Alejandro Cacho, communication professionals, impeccable in conducting. The questions from the citizens sometimes seemed repeated, but with the testimonial presence, the interaction greatly improved and the answers were punctuated, I appreciated the deep concern for the country that the participating citizens had. As my readers know, time worries me, the third decade of the 21st century and the big issues have to do with the environment, water, and renewable energies. Knowing that fighting forest fires was a despised public policy inflames people's spirits. Mexico does not improve without good government.
A country in peace and without poverty, thus opened Xóchitl's intervention in the debate, a country of equality and opportunities. It gained strength for the last stretch of the campaign, the third debate will be on May 19 and will deal with democracy and government, it will allow us to know how they intend to govern and their “democratic” ideas, then there will be ten days left until the closing of the campaigns and thirteen for the election. Sheinbaum will follow the route set by the president, which does not reveal how he really thinks, and Jorge will continue his positioning strategy.
Now I wonder about his thoughts, I remain silent, I looked further, I find voices that justify everything, the argument of the past will fade when the 4T becomes the past. Already almost at the reference level of other governments, the story will be told as it is. The institutional destruction is undeniable, I think of you and your vision of the future and I want to believe that the reason for being is not a minor issue and that we all want a free Mexico with a well-managed government.
Postscript. – It's time that I don't understand the metamorphosis. Some tell me that it is a matter of interest, that they made politics part of business… sad case.
Postscript 2. –Please let's not live as if nothing happened! Be responsible, take care of your INE.
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