Tag: fall in love

  • Digital programs and real emotion: they become fond of AI

    Digital programs and real emotion: they become fond of AI

    NY.– A few months ago, Derek Carrier started seeing someone and fell madly in love. He experienced a “ton” of romantic feelings but also realized it was an illusion. This is because his girlfriend was generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Carrier wasn't looking to develop a relationship with something that wasn't real, nor did she…

  • Spicy Cabbage Stir Fry

    Spicy Cabbage Stir Fry

    I claim the cabbage or cabbage, as we call it now because it seems more elegant -than the kale It is the usual curly cabbage but in English we like it more-, because beyond the more traditional boiled and braised it can give us a lot of game, as in this sautéed/braised with oriental spices.…

  • Anchovies ‘amoragaos’: the Granada recipe in which less is more

    Anchovies ‘amoragaos’: the Granada recipe in which less is more

    The name of the amoragaos anchovies comes from moraga or amoragar, and the Royal Academy says that amoragar means roasting fish and shellfish on the beach over a wood fire, as is typical on the Malaga coast. However, these purple anchovies are cooked in a casserole or frying pan over a fire and each one…

  • ‘Titans’ amuses with a darker third season

    A still from ‘Titans’. Third season Gone is the ‘reset’ of the series in its second season, recovering the interesting tone that it achieved at the beginning, with a darker argument than usual in this type of proposals whose existence is a seemingly unstoppable trend After an interesting and recommendable first season, and a rather…