Von der Leyen Upload the tone when presenting the Brussels Agenda in Defense: European Rearme completed in 2030
03/18/2025 Updated at 5:28 p.m. After Israel has interrupted the truce with a gaza attack that leaves more than 400 ...
03/18/2025 Updated at 5:28 p.m. After Israel has interrupted the truce with a gaza attack that leaves more than 400 ...
Vox, through the 'Patriots For Europe' group, has formally requested the appearance of the Minister of Education of the Catalan ...
Audi plans to cut 7,500 jobs for 2029 In German territory, which means reducing its template in the German country ...
The reluctance was expected to come from the Hungarian government, but the surprise of the Council of European Foreign Ministers ...
"We agreed and informed." This is how the national spokesman of the PP, Borja Sémper, has summarized, the position of ...
Recent aviar flu shoots and the necessary sacrifice as a result of the poultry cabin have caused increases in the ...
As every March, and well tasting winter, temperatures give a truce and the days are again longer. A trend that ...
Multivize Computingcompany based in San Sebastián dedicated to Quantum artificial intelligence software Since 2019, he has received a investment of ...
Manuel Muñiz Villa (León, 1983) is a lawyer and professor of international relations. Formed in prestigious centers of Madrid, Boston, ...
Street food lovers have an unavoidable appointment this March. Of the March 7 to 9the Sevillian town of Écija will ...