Tag: anchovies

  • Eating more fish like sardines instead of red meat could prevent up to 750,000 premature deaths by 2050

    Eating more fish like sardines instead of red meat could prevent up to 750,000 premature deaths by 2050

    It has been known for decades that health cannot be separated from the economic or environmental conditions of a society. This Wednesday publish a study with estimates on the benefits of replacing red meat consumption with small fish such as sardines, herring or anchovies. The change could prevent 750,000 premature deaths in 2050 caused by…

  • Why butter is back in fashion in kitchens

    Why butter is back in fashion in kitchens

    Butter, in Spain, is everywhere. A total of 2,721 Spaniards have the last name Manteca. One of the most famous bars in the country is called Manteca House (Cadiz). There is even the expression “getting on someone's nerves” as a synonym for gaining excess weight. But we also have the habit of storing food in…

  • Escatafood, the Catalan company that makes gourmet products with anchovy discards

    Escatafood, the Catalan company that makes gourmet products with anchovy discards

    Viscera, bones, tails, scales, skin scraps, meat trimmings, salt, blood, other juices… Have you ever stopped to think about how much waste is generated by the anchovy industry, that is, its salting and curing process? Canning companies catch or acquire huge quantities of fish, salt it to cure it and at the end of the…

  • Fried anchovies: a crispy recipe

    Fried anchovies: a crispy recipe

    We have said it a thousand times in previous episodes: in few places is fish fried with more art than in Andalusia. However, the latest fried anchovies that have fascinated us have not been found in the south of Spain, but in a half-French, half-Japanese restaurant in Barcelona. what they do in Yubibasically, is to…

  • Anchovies ‘amoragaos’: the Granada recipe in which less is more

    Anchovies ‘amoragaos’: the Granada recipe in which less is more

    The name of the amoragaos anchovies comes from moraga or amoragar, and the Royal Academy says that amoragar means roasting fish and shellfish on the beach over a wood fire, as is typical on the Malaga coast. However, these purple anchovies are cooked in a casserole or frying pan over a fire and each one…

  • Mediterranean jellyfish run out of predators and are killing anchovies and sardines

    Bad times for sardines and anchovies. Bad news is piling up for these two species, one of the most commercialized in the Mediterranean. They are traditional victims of overfishing, climate change affects their populations and their diet is getting worse, like their health, affected by microplastics. To this range of factors that paint his future…