Eddie Jordan, expropientary of the Formula 1 team has died this Thursday. The death arrives after in December announced that at the beginning of last year a Bladder and prostate cancer “quite aggressive” which has spread to its spine and pelvis.
At that time, Jordan shared the news in his podcast FOR SUCCESS FORMULA Together with the Expileot David Coulhard: “In March and April I was diagnosed with prostate and bladder cancer that It extended to the spine and the pelvisso it was quite aggressive. “
What exactly is prostate cancer
As described by the prestigious May Clinic (United States), the prostate is a small gland in male reproductive system responsible for producing seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. Cancer that affects this organ is one of the most frequent in men.
Many times, grows slowly And it is limited to the prostate gland, without causing serious damage. However, some types can become aggressive and spread quickly, so detection and treatment are vital.
The problem lies in the fact that, in the early stages, prostate cancer could Do not cause any kind of sign or symptom. Therefore, it is important that men who meet risk factors or from certain ages are subjected to screening tests with some regularity.
Alert symptoms
Thus, the appearance of symptoms tends to indicate that the tumor is already more advanced. Some of the signals that we should attend include:
- Problems urinating.
- Decrease in urine force.
- Blood in the urine.
- Blood in semen.
- Bone pain.
- Unintentional weight loss.
- Erectile dysfunction.
Several of these symptoms, especially by themselves, can be caused by other conditions. For example, they could be a benign prostate hyperplasia, an abnormal entertainment of the prostate that occurs without a tumor that causes it. Anyway, when they appear we should in any case consult with a specialist.
Risk factors and the importance of reviews
Prostate cancer, like others, Start with DNA damage to one or more cells which causes an uncontrolled division and multiplication. Over time, these cells can detach and spread to other parts of the body.
Some of the factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer include Age (It is more frequent especially from 50 years of age), ethnicity, family history or obesity.
On the contrary, the risk can be reduced following a series of healthy habitssuch as following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, frequent exercise, taking measures aimed at maintaining a healthy weight, and, in cases of very high risk, with the help of certain drugs.
Ultimately, all men who are over 50 years of age should talk to their doctor to consider Periodic reviews of the prostate. Those who meet more risk factors may need to take additional precautions.
What is bladder cancer?
As also explains the May Clinicthe bladder is a hollow muscular organ of the urinary tract that stores urine before expelling it from the body through the urethra. The cancer that affects it Start more frequently in the cells inside (urothelial cells), which are the same type as those that cover the kidneys and tubes (ureters) inside inside.
Most of these tumors are detected in the initial stage, When they are highly treatable. Unfortunately, even these can return after treatment; Therefore, patients usually require follow -up for years later.
What are your symptoms
Some of The signals that we should attend To detect bladder cancer in time they include:
- Problems urinating.
- Frequent urination.
- Blood in the urine.
- Backache.
Once again, several of these symptoms can be the result of other different conditions, so in any case when we appear Consult with a professional.
Bladder cancer risk factors
The risk of bladder cancer can be increased by a series of factors, which include advanced age (it is more frequent especially from 55 years of age), male sex, smoking, exposure to certain chemical substances, having previously received oncological treatments, the history of chronic inflammation of urinary tract and family and personal history.
It is possible to reduce this risk following a series of healthy habits, How to avoid tobacco consumption, avoid exposure to dangerous chemical agents or follow a diet rich in fruits or vegetables and exercise frequently.
As also happens in the case of prostate cancer, all those who meet several of these risk factors should consult with a specialist, especially if any worrying symptom occurs, and assess with him the possibility of performing Analysis and revisions periodically.
May Clinic. Prostate cancer. Consulted online March 20, 2025.
May Clinic. Bladder cancer. Consulted online March 20, 2025.
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