Seventh and penultimate day of our trip, in which I had planned a short stay in Kami-igusa, to see the “small” statue ofRX-78-2 at the station and visit the studios Sunrise. However, we had to cut this first stage from the program because we had a few things to do in preparation for departure — maybe next time. Basically, we spent the morning at Ikebukurobefore continuing by train to Mitaka.
I had finally made up my mind. Even before arriving I had been thinking about buying one Perfect Grade — the line of GUNPLA more valuable and expensive, for those who don't know — but all week I wondered which one I wanted to take home. The choice was between Unicorn, Banshee and Astray Red Frame and all three were priced quite low allo Yamada Denki of the neighborhood where we were staying. Accompanied by Kuramamy choice fell on Unicorn, the initial idea. I don't need to tell you how happy I was walking around with my giant kit in my hands, I certainly couldn't imagine how that beautiful box in my suitcase would be ruined on the return journey.
Dead inside, but happy
Most of the stuff was mine.
Shortly afterwards we were joined by Masteras he and Kurama intended to buy an extra suitcase, and in the previous days we had identified a shop that sold them at rather low prices. A shop that we had a lot of trouble finding, given that it had decided to open in the late morning. After leaving our purchases in the apartment, we gathered the rest of the crew to begin our day of exploration. As already mentioned, the first goal was Mitaka: I had every intention of returning to the old place where I loved eating sushi every time I returned to Japan.
We found Mitaka a little different than five years agobut some things never change: The Sushi Masa it was in fact closed because we had arrived too late compared to the concept of “lunch time” that the Japanese have and we had to fall back on it a very sad McDonald'sdespite myself, who at least was able to delight me with something atypical Teriyaki Burger really not bad. After walking around the streets of the neighborhood for a bit and doing some shopping at the GEO — where I got the physical version of SD GUNDAM BATTLE ALLIANCEthe limited of GRANBLUE FANTASY: Versus and the terrible Ed-0: Zombie Uprising — we headed towards the station. The next destination was the much coveted one Nakano.
There Nakano Broadway, a shopping center (if we can call it that) among the most coveted by otaku always offers strong emotions, right from its entrance, where I was able to buy some interesting goodies for just 100 yen. But only once we entered inside did the wonder begin, especially in the various stores Mandarake. After getting lost inside that of GUNPLAwhere a foreigner asked me for advice on which kit to buy for his son as a gift (I hope the HG of Gundam Lfrith hit the mark in his heart) I bought a few gadgets, a couple of Entry Grade limited edition and the very expensive LED lights for my new one Perfect Grade of the Unicorn, cost almost as much as the kit itself. We toured the shops far and wide, focusing on the cell phone dealerAnd Sciascillo he even tried his luck in a shop where there were lotteries for more or less expensive objects, from consoles of the caliber of PS5 to model kits and very limited edition figures as first prizes. What did he win? A key ring in the shape of a Pepsi bottle. SCHWAAAA!
I reached the highest moment when, now exhausted by the flu and tiredness, I fell badly down the stairs (fortunately uphill, not down) respecting the tradition inaugurated last trip, when I tripped on the escalators. Luckily nothing broken, except my pride.
To make up for the sushi we missed at lunch, me Kurama And Luca we stuffed ourselves in an excellent place right in Nakano, where we were able to taste some delicious food, while Master And Sciascillo they were in the restaurant next door gorging on other unspecified food.
It was really, really good.
The next day would be the last and we decided to each dedicate ourselves to what we would have liked to do most. I would have liked to have another go at Odaiba And Akihabara, but fate had an unpleasant surprise in store for me: I spent part of the previous evening and the following morning packing my bags and trying to fit all my purchases into the suitcases… but something went wrong. What? You will find out in the next episode.
#Sushi #sushi