That the spokesmen of the opposition and the rest of the parliamentary groups, including the leader of the Popular Party (PP), change on the march their parliamentary control question to the government is not something that surprises anyone. And that is why the Executive, and in particular … President Pedro Sánchez does not usually catch this type of maneuvers. Just take a look at the previous face to face between them to realize. However, Feijóo’s question on Wednesday, with less meanders than on previous occasions, dislodged the PSOE leader. So much so that he decided to ignore it completely and release the previously prepared replica. In this case about the increase in defense expenditure, but Feijóo had asked him about the rush group and the tribune of this week of the brand new president of ‘El País’, Joseph Oughourlianin which he reaffirmed his independence to the front of the newspaper and hinted at an attempt to control by the government. For more inri mentioning the fifty anniversary of the death of the dictator Francisco Franco.
None of this said Sanchez, whose executive also attributes support to the failed operation to promote from the aforementioned group a new television channel, which Oughourlian himself aborted through an interview in the economic newspaper ‘Expansión’ (that of the competition, because Prisa has its own salmonid, ‘five days) that closed the doors to the audiovisual plans of other shareholders.
The same mutism that Sanchez maintained with respect to another controversial issue, also mentioned by Feijóo, that of the meeting in Paris of the Minister of Digital Transformation, Óscar López, with the CEO of Vivendi, Arnaud Puyfontainea shareholder company in a hurry, with the supposed intention according to a French newspaper to try to remove Oughourlian. Something categorically denied by López, who came to qualify the information as “bullo” and said that by the nature of his portfolio he usually meets many managers or shareholders of communication groups.
In Moncloa, stupor and indignation with Feijóo spread for this question. Government sources regret that the opposition leader did not ask for Hot matters As Ukraine, the increase in defense expenditure that last week addressed in an interview with Sánchez at the headquarters of the Presidency or even the distribution of immigrant minors agreed with Junts and that has resulted in a decree published on Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE). They attribute their attitude to the escapism of these issues, and also that of the pact achieved this week by the president of the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, with Vox, to carry out the budgets in that community in exchange for accepting the postulates of those of Santiago Abascal in the field of immigration or climate crisis.
In “self -defense”
The same sources say that “the Government has no responsibility in the Group Poor shareholder member». They also consider that the popular leader’s question is “an insult to intelligence” and even “disrespect for the hurry group.”
From the PP, on the other hand, sources of the party claim that there is a “dangerous concatenation” in companies such as the Efe agency, Telefónica “and now has a hurry.” «The government is using public money To receive pampering, ”they point out from Genoa.
On the government’s maneuvers in some companies, he already warned last week, although he went unnoticed, the former government president and former general secretary of the PSOE, Felipe González. He did it in a colloquium organized by Ernest and Young with the former socialist deputy Eduardo Madina, Sánchez’s first rival in primary, which he lost in 2014.
In fields of the PSOE now far from the power nuclei in Madrid, but with good knowledge of what is cooked in the government, the Ourghourlian letter is seen a certain Defense act own against certain intentions of the government. What remained on Wednesday, and the public light of the hemicycle, is that it is not an issue in which Sánchez, with all the tables that take a decade as leader of the PSOE and seven years in power, can be disembarked comfortably.
#Surprise #discomfort #Moncloa #Feijóos #question #hurry