The storm unleashed in Sumar after the Errejón scandal does not cease despite the departure of the former spokesperson for the parliamentary group. With him off the stage, from the opposition They demand responsibilities from Yolanda Díaz not only for entrusting him with the spokesperson but considering that he covered upsince the vice president herself has acknowledged that she was aware of the abuse complaint that appeared on social networks in June 2023, in the middle of the electoral pre-campaign. And if he had done so, he would even be in breach of the movement’s own statutes.
The Code of Ethics of Sumar is blunt with sexist behavior: “No type of sexist, LGBTIphobic, racist or discriminatory behavior or action will be tolerated, these attitudes constituting a serious offense that must be sanctioned in accordance with the procedure established in the Statutes and the Internal Regulations,” the document states.
Sayings statutes establish a very serious penalty which includes the suspension of membership between 6 months and a year and even the expulsion of the Sumar movement in the event of a conviction, as has already happened with Errejón without conviction but after acknowledging some of the actions of which he is accused. Furthermore, it establishes that “people who hold public, organic positions or who are going to be on lists for internal elective processes or public representation undertake, before taking up their position or presenting their candidacy, to make a public declaration that they have not incurred in crimes of violence against women, pedophilia and child abuse”, among others. A statement that Íñigo Errejón would have signed.
Serious misconduct, according to the statutes
However, The Code of Ethics also includes responsibilities for those positions that do not “report or initiate the corresponding protocols” if they are aware of any type of irregularity in the exercise of their functions.
Sumar’s statutes classify “dereliction of duties” as a serious offense and negligence as a minor offense.
In this sense, Yolanda Díaz admitted to the media this Monday that she had been informed of the complaint against Errejón in 2023 and excused himself alleging that He contacted Podemos and Más Madridwhich informed them that an investigation was going to be opened and that it had later been closed, since the woman deleted the tweet in which she narrated the events.
He also acknowledged having appointed him as a spokesperson for the group knowing that he was going to therapy for mental health problems. «I know he was going to therapy. In this last year it was going better, based on the information he has given me. This is what I know,” he said.
The statutes classify “abandoning duties” as a serious offense, which is punishable by a suspension of membership between 3 and 6 months; and a minor offense if one acts negligently, which is punishable by reprimands or suspension of membership between 15 days and 3 months.
Sumar and Más Madrid pass the ball
In her explanations in Congress before the press, Yolanda Díaz acknowledged “errors” but He passed the hot potato to his colleague in the Council of Ministers Mónica Garcíaleader of Más Madrid, stating that after learning of Castellón’s complaint on the networks, he informed the party that he is joining Sumar.
From Mas Madrid, for their part, they consider the scandal settled after having cleared up responsibilities with the expulsion of Loreto Arenillas, Errejón’s former chief of staff, whom they accuse of having acted “on her own” as soon as the messages against him and cover him up
Mónica García ruled out further departures despite the fact that Arenillas pointed to up to three people from Más Madrid whom he would have informed at the time of what happened: the current spokesperson for the parliamentary group, Manuela Bergerot; the secretary of feminisms, Christina Castillo; and the communications director, Luis Gimenezto “explain it publicly if necessary.” And the party itself establishes a complaints channel to enable the necessary investigations that would not have been carried out in this case either.
#Sumars #Code #Ethics #failed #Íñigo #Errejón #scandal