Of all the records that were given in Sinaloa for mayors, those that were sui generis They are those of Ahome and El Fuerte. And the two strong options are the same, so that among citizens adds flavor to the broth, contrary to what was anticipated that it would cause discouragement. ¿Gerardo Vargas Landeros and Gildardo Leyva Ortega, Morena candidates in Ahome and El Fuerte, maintain their positions as mayors or do their opponents, against whom they played in the last elections, Domingo “Mingo” Vázquez and Vicente Pico, respectively, beat them in the rematch? That is the question that citizens will answer on June 2. In the elections of the 21st there were even pairs.
After what She wanted to first be a candidate for Morena for mayor of Ahome, then for the Labor Party and end up with the Ecologist Green and she did not succeed in any of them, the licensed councilor Angelina Valenzuela went on recess. And what is up in the air is whether or not she is going to take a chance with the Morenista candidate Gerardo Vargas Landeros. They say that Valenzuela sought him out through the PT and the PVEM after meeting at her initiative with Vargas Landeros so that he could include her in the list for her re-election. He turned her back, offered her an address, but Valenzuela rejected it and left her like “water for chocolate.” For this reason, there are those who say that the licensed councilor takes up the issue of leadership with Vargas Landeros, she remains outside the process or goes with the opposition bloc.
Through the door big arrived Juan Garibaldi to the Vargas Landeros team, which is seeking re-election. After separating as Director of Revenue, Garibaldi began to coordinate Vargas Landeros' team, which is why some already place him as the campaign coordinator. The role played by Garibaldi was played by Raúl Pérez, who also separated as director of Investment of the commune. In the end, Vargas Landeros is going to “palome” his team, which many want to join because it would be a step to the cabinet in the next three years.
All the presidents of PRI In the municipalities of Sinaloa they have guaranteed a place in the city councils. And they are on the payroll with the mayors and in the first place of the multi-registries. They no longer ate them alive, as it happens now that those who arrived via the pluri route did not even see them again because they aligned themselves with the Morenoist administrations. Thus, the leaders of the tricolor in Ahome, El Fuerte and Choix, César Emiliano Gerardo, Esther Preciado and Fredy Velázquez, go for the direct and first of all the pluris. It has logic.
#Sui #generis #candidatures