Sport is fundamental for any individual, given that it not only allows you to stay fit, but also to keep your body active, to improve your health and to promote correct functioning of the entire body and mind at the same time. When it comes to sports and children it is essential to have the right approach in order to allow them to improve not only physically, but also cognitive and emotional levelwhich doesn’t always happen.
We need to find the right balance when it comes to sports and children
Unfortunately, in various sporting fields, when children have to get involved, problems are created overly structured and competitive environments, as if parents and teachers completely forgot the playful and recreational aspect that this activity should have. In fact, the game is a extremely natural language for children, the way they explore reality and learn new skills and competences
Consequently, sport could also be presented as a game in which there are rules to be respected, but at the same time one can have fun, given that in this way children could benefit from various benefits.
In fact, when sport is experienced as a stimulating and fun activity at the same time, it is easier for children to find the motivation to participate in group gamesto meet other people and consequently create one of their firsts social nets outside of school. At the same time, a positive approach gives children the opportunity to experiment and improve in theirs motor skillthus giving them the opportunity to approach the sport they have chosen in a creative way.
As anticipated, doing physical activity is also a moment of sharing, essential to ensure that the little ones can develop theirs Social skills, create a group and feel part of a reality that is not just that of the family or school. This is a fundamental aspect for growth that is as peaceful as possible.
Furthermore, sport promotes psychological well-being, given that, in a context in which one can get involved and is not scolded or scolded excessively, one can build a positive image of oneself, in which children begin to be aware of their capabilities and gain confidence in their potential and all this has a long-term impact.
This obviously does not mean that there is no need to impose any type of rule, but to integrate them as best as possible in an environment that allows a child to feel comfortable between respect and fun.
#Sport #children #importance #fun #approach