Spain reached a new historical employment record this summer with 21.8 million workers

New historical maximum of employment in Spain. The number of employed people increased to 21.8 million workers in summer, according to data from the Active Population Survey (EPA) published this Friday. In the third quarter of the year, 138,300 jobs were created and unemployment fell slightly, by 1,200 people, to a total of 2.75 million unemployed people, the lowest level since 2008, at the beginning of the last financial crisis. .

The new employment ceiling is also recorded in a context in which the labor market continues to grow, where a historical maximum has also been reached. Never before have there been so many active people, willing to work: 24.5 million people. In the last year it has increased by 236,100 people.

The rise in employment in summer occurred in the private sector. Employment in companies increased by 155,500 people, up to a total of 18.3 million people working. Public employment decreased by 17,100 people in the third quarter, leaving the total at 3,540,800 employed people.

By sex, employment grew mainly among men, by 114,800 workers, and less among women, by 23,500 workers. In the last year, the image is reversed, with a greater increase in female employment, with 212,000 more female workers (+2%) and 164,600 more employed men (+1.4%).

By nationality, employment “rose by 65,300 people among Spaniards – including dual nationality – and increased by 73,000 among foreigners,” explains the National Institute of Statistics (INE). In the last year there has been a great increase in the employment of foreign people, with 180,800 more workers (+5.8%), who added to the increase of 195,700 Spanish workers (+1%).

By sectors, employment increased in the Services (152,700 more) and Industry (23,400), practically did not change in the Construction (500 more) and fell in Agriculture (38,300 less). If we go into more detail, the activities that increased their workers the most in summer were commerce, transportation and storage, and health and social service activities. The latter usually reinforces the teams in summer to deal with holiday substitutions. On the opposite side, education is the sector that destroys the most jobs for another summer, with the end of the school year.

The unemployment rate fell to 11.2%

The number of unemployed fell very slightly in the quarter, by 1,200 people, but it decreased compared to the increases registered in the last two summers. In a context of employment growth, the increases were explained by the large increase in the active population, willing to work.

This summer, the active population also grew, but half that of last year, which was a very extraordinary increase (137,100 people and more than 300,000 people, respectively).

Thus, after these movements in the labor market, the unemployment rate fell by seven hundredths and stood at 11.2%.

(This information continues to expand)

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