The neighborhood assembly Let’s save Peñamayor has gone to court against the decision of the Asturian Government to grant permission to the company Asturmet Resources for a mining research project that is intended to be launched in the councils of Laviana, Piloña, Nava and Biemnes and that neighbors and environmentalists, “with the data we have,” do not hesitate to affirm that “there is a risk that speculation could be made with the territory.”
Let’s save Peñamayor suffered a setback last summer when the Asturian Government rejected the appeal presented by this neighborhood platform and the Ecological Coordinator of Asturies. The appeal was against the mining research project “Astur A” that seeks to exploit the presence of minerals in the municipalities of different Asturian municipalities. Although The government insists that the concession only allows researchneighborhood associations and environmentalists denounce that this permit would open the door to future mining exploitations, something that would be difficult to stop if the viability of extraction is demonstrated.
“The project has been awarded to Asturmet Resources SL, with a share capital of 3,000 euros, a subsidiary of the British Technology Minerals PLC, which specializes in exploration. Neither of them is dedicated to mining exploitation.”
“The risk begins with the research permit,” says Adriana from the neighborhood platform, “it is the straightest path to the exploitation.” But they also want to focus on stopping the “so-called investigation” because “there are already risks for the territory, such as, for example, the water in the subsoil of Peñamayor. “This phase already has risks in itself, such as the disappearance of springs.”
The project has been awarded to Asturmet Resources SLwith a share capital of 3,000 euros, a subsidiary of the British Technology Minerals PLCwhich specializes in exploration. Neither of the two is dedicated to mining exploitation. The business model installed in this sector, according to the report “Speculative mining in Spain”prepared by Ecologists in Action In 2019, it encourages speculation, since these companies usually sell the rights to others that do have the capacity to exploit. In Asturias, most mining research projects follow this speculative logic, with rights passing from one company to another.
Because of this, neighbors and environmentalists are putting so much effort into stopping the research permit since a mining company can sue any administration that, after granting the permit, then withdraws it for extraction. There is jurisprudence on this matter.
The case of “Astur A” It is not isolated. There are several mining research projects in different Asturian municipalities. The report of Ecologists in Action already warned about the risk that these companies, without exploitation capacity, use mineral resources for legal speculation. They also pointed out that although Spanish regulations establish public information mechanisms, these are insufficient, since many residents and local companies were not aware of the project until long after its official presentation in 2021.
“Environmentalists have been warning that this project is a clear example of mining speculation, driven by the need for strategic minerals for the energy and digital transition.”
From Let’s save Peñamayor They are congratulated that on September 20, the Llaviana city council, governed in coalition by the PSOE and IU, will be “the first public administration that clearly positions itself against the mining research permit.” This motion recognizes that the neighbors were not adequately informed, although it does not clarify why the city council did not do so when it received the Research Permit Granting document in May 2024.
“This motion is important for us,” says Adriana, from Let’s save Peñamayor“because in this way the issue will be debated for the first time in a plenary session and all political representatives will be able to vote and express their position publicly.” He assures that what they have received is that “the city council is going to request the revocation of the permit” before calling on the rest of the city councils to do the same.

Environmentalists have been warning that this project is a clear example of mining speculation, driven by the need for strategic minerals for the energy and digital transition. The affected rural communities not only denounce the lack of information and transparency, but also fear the long-term consequences for the environment and their way of life, something that does not only occur in Asturias.
On the other hand, next Tuesday, October 29, the Forum deputy in the General Meeting, Adrián Pumares, will question the Government Council about the authorization to investigate in Peñamayor and the level of transparency that is being followed throughout this process.
Mining speculation in Spain
Last March, the Council of the European Union gave the green light to a new Regulation on Fundamental Raw Materialswith the aim of ensuring the supply of these key resources for the ecological transition and various strategic industries in the community space. Faced with the need to reduce dependence on China, the EU faces the reality that European extractive companies are a minority. Furthermore, there is no specific fund to finance extraction, so allocating resources to exploration is prioritized. However, as he warns Ecologists in Actionthis strategy favors speculative, unsustainable and poorly responsible mining practices, carried out mainly by small companies.

Northern Europe and the Iberian Peninsula stand out as areas with important deposits of these raw materials, which has driven an increase in license applications for new mining projects. In Spain, 95% of these licenses, linked to metallic minerals used in technology and digitalization, are concentrated in five autonomous communities: Andalusia, Castilla y León, Galicia, Asturias and Extremadurain that order. The minerals covered by these concessions include aluminum, cobalt, copper, graphite, tin, lithium, manganese, nickel, gold, silver, rare earths, uranium, vanadium and tungsten.
“Spain is located at the epicenter of an economic and geopolitical dynamic that, according to complaints from Ecologistas en Acción, has led many autonomous communities to carry out massive auctions of expired mining rights”
In this way, Spain is located at the epicenter of an economic and geopolitical dynamic that, according to complaints from Ecologists in Actionhas led many autonomous communities to carry out massive auctions of expired mining rights. This means that vast tracts of land, some within the Natura 2000 Network, are offered to mining companies.
The environmental movement points out that the growing interest of large corporations and investors responds mainly to a speculative motivation, fueled by the energy and digital transition. In Spain, this trend is aggravated by a mining law that dates back to Franco’s era.. Local examples such as those of Laviana, Piloña, Nava and Bimenes illustrate this phenomenon.
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