Daniel Chongthe designer of the most viral backpacks of the moment, has 120 points of sale in the world and has billed two million euros last year. This Friday Sofia Christdaughter of Angel Christ and Barbara King, has debuted about his catwalk In the framework of Madrid is Fashion.
“Daniel Chong has been curraking it for 17 years, and I find what he does. I had never paraded, so if he did it had to be with A brand that represents meand he has that urban style and also does everything sustainable, “said Sofia Christ after Chong’s parade.
It is the second textile collection presented by the Chinese-Ecuadorian designer after the success of its accessories, and has done so at the Fernán Núñez Palace, in the Lavapiés neighborhood, where decades ago he opened his first workshop and where he continues to make, in addition to Elche and Alicante, the garments that it sells internationally. “I haven’t left Lavapiés, I continue in the neighborhood where I started“The creator explained.
For Chong “it is a privilege and satisfaction that models, actresses and friends such as Pino Montesdeoca, Okuda, Sofía Cristo and Eduardo Navarrete accompany us, because they give us voice and They help us spread our message“, explains the designer, who highlights that” today it is very important to have visibility. “
Chong too He has climbed to the catwalk to designer Eduardo Navarreteto the international artist Okuda and the senior model Pino Montesdeoca, usual in covers and parades of national projection, in addition to friends such as Pepón Nieto, Blanca Paloma or Luis Miguel Seguí, who have not wanted to miss the parade.
The creator has thus strengthened his textile proposal, which It comes to stay. “The first collection of clothing was a success, we have managed to capture the essence of the firm in new garments, equipped with our color mixtures,” he explains.
“Fashion has always been part of our DNA, and now that we have a more consolidated brand we want the Main premise“
#Sofia #Christ #debuts #model #designer #Daniel #Chong