WhatsApp It has revolutionized how to communicate. In Spain it is very common to use the application of Goal To talk to our relatives, stay with our friends to take something or realize a job appointment. The tool has a thousand uses, but, without a doubt, the power to send an audio has facilitated the lives of many users. Surely you have taken the mobile phone on more than one occasion to send a voice message.
The problem is that we do not usually know if someone has heard the audio we have sent or not. However, there is an infallible method to discover this information without opening the menu. It’s about A trick that not everyone knows.
The trick to know if they have heard a WhatsApp audio
To know if a person has already heard the audio we have sent him, we just have to look at the ball that appears in the player. Especially, in the color it has. If we see that the playback is in blueIt means that the other person has reproduced our audio. In the event that he has not done so, he appears in grey.
This trick works as long as the two people have reading confirmations activated. This means that it is known in the case that both have the double activated blue check.

Despite what many believe, the double blue chef of the finishing application in an audio sent It only indicates that the message has arrived and the other person has opened our chat. This does not mean that it has been reproduced. When the audio reproduces, change the color of the ball to blue.
On the other hand, we must take into account that there is another method to know this information. It can be consulted in a much more conventional way and is to hold the audio that has been sent and Enter the information section.
Here you can know the three states in which the voice message can be found: When has been sent, when it has been received and when it has been reproduced. If in ‘reproducing’ we find a line, it means that it has not yet been heard. If the reading confirmation is deactivated, the dates of ‘seen’ and ‘delivered’ will appear empty.
#heard #WhatsApp #audio