They say that KGB specialized in programming sleeping cells. They captured you as a young man and kept you in lethargy until, when the time came, they activated you. The networks speak these days, following the supposed candor with which Trump treats Putin, to insinuate that the current potus may be a cell of these, scheduled a long time ago.
That is “infiltrated agents” and remember Assault the heavens that wonderful documentary about the murder of Leon Trotsky, at the hands of Ramón Mercader, to whom Víctor Alba made the false Belgian identity abandon, which he kept in a Mexican prison, under the name of Jacques Mornard, addressing him in Catalan: “Ramon Mercader! Què, com has Anat Tot Això?”. “You see La Merda!” The murderer replied spontaneously, revealing his real origin.
Robert Lewandowski controls the ball in the match against the athletic of Madrid
These same days, the American singer -songwriter Stephen Wilson JR is promoting his first album. Where they welcome him, he explains that he has spent his life under the shadow of his father’s strong personality and that, in the first stage of his musical career, he had maintained a very low profile. That until, five years ago, the father died. It is listening They are of dad and immediately surprise that such immense talent has resigned so much time to remain latent.
Then I remember that there is Enso, that Japanese artistic discipline, of Zen painting, which demands a strong self-discipline, because only from a previous mental and physical preparation, of a meditation to isolate the mind of distractions, the artist can take the brush and, of a single line, in a unique gesture, without the possibility of subsequent correction, it has to make a circle.
What unpleasant role did Lewandowski do in the Metropolitan
Finally that gag also comes to mind, I don’t know if Pink Panther by Rowan Atkinson, who knows if Benny Hill, in which an orchestra musician patiently waits for his turn, and has to fight against very tempting distractions, to intervene in the concert with a single triangle, Gong or Timbal blow …
I think of all these versions of the same phenomenon because football explains it to us, as if it were a lesson that we do not want to learn. How many times have we sentenced a player because he does not convince us, he goes through a bad streak or does not have the day and, then, in a single movement, he shows us with class that we were wrong, and that the outbreak of his talent was a matter of patience, or to adjust the context where he had to manifest?
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What unpleasant role did Lewandowski have to do, for example, in the Metropolitan, until the 72nd minute, to the control oriented with the chest and the cross shot, at the bottom of the network, to those two ball touches, – only two! -, precise, accurate and effective, who began to turn the tortilla?
#Sleeping #cells #David #Carabén