Exercise, far from being a playful activity, supposes for many people a daily task that stresses our agenda excessively. Labor, family and social obligations already occupy too much time and the usual thing is that to these plots of our life we cannot say that no, something that is the perfect exclusive to stop taking care since, we do not fool ourselves, it is easy to perceive as a selfish act to say no to other things to have an hour or an hour and a half for you and your gym.
There are many occasions when we tell ourselves that this week we will start in the gym, or that today when you get home you will go running for a while, but the time comes and we do not. We propose these six steps to get the exercise among your daily priorities:
Designates days and hours to exercise
Understand it as a meeting, or a social commitment, or what you like, but there are a few hours and a few days when you must reserve a space for exercise. Think of the number of people you know that they have certain holes that does not move and that everyone knows that they are busy: an English class, a extracurricular activity of a child to go to collect, a course of kitchen, or an appointment with the physio … Everyone we have our life and our commitments. If three days a week you have ‘Boxing class’, then try to be firm with it, and that no one for fact that you cancel it simply because you arise as powerful as a ‘hey, come to drink some reeds’.
Avoid fashions and starts slowly
Regardless of how effective a specific discipline is, you may not find it pleasant. If the experience is bad, or you will abandon or change aimlessly from one thing to another. Find an activity that generates a high adhesion. Of course, finding travel companions who train with you and a similar rhythm, it will make you easier to get your purpose.
Determination is not the same as craving. Building your body on the first day you get to the gym is one of the big ways to leave it quite fast. You will spend two or three days without being able to move, if you overcome the test and make the same mistake a week later, because again the same. You will end up associating to exercise to feel as if they have beat you and without getting almost results. It is important to establish realistic and reasonable goals that you know you can achieve. Easy and realistic is not the same as conformist and insufficient, it is not possible to say that on Saturday morning you will buy the bread walking.
Passing 45 constant minutes in the elliptics can be boring, more if you do it every day. Try some collective class, lifts weights, runs outdoors, riding a bike, play a sport, go out to make a mountain route. If you keep some emotion in your physical exercise hours, you will probably never want to stop.
It’s not about buying half pastry on Sunday. Give yourself certain incentives, think what you have saved by ice cream or tobacco and reinvip it . If the exercise is only associated with suffering and renouncing, we are going wrong.
Little is better than anything. You will have bad streaks and surely a week or two arrives in which you have not been able to go to your class of whatever you have pointed out. No matter the circumstance, a healthy lifestyle is forever, it is not something that happens for a year and then dissipates. If you are taking control of your own body and your health, stay firm. In the end, it doesn’t matter what happened in the last week, the important thing is what has happened over the last months.
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