“In Italy we have new technologies and vaccines available against the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), but the vaccination calendar has not yet been updated. We hope that as soon as possible these new technologies available to the population, especially for the elderly and the frail, can find space in the calendar so as to cover all the preventive possibilities we have available”. Thus Roberta Siliquini, president of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (Siti) and full professor of Hygiene at the University of Turin, speaking at an event on the respiratory syncytial virus organized by GSK, in Rome.
“The joint document from Siti and Simit”, the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, “wants to push political decision makers to introduce these new technologies into our vaccination calendar. But not only that – continues Siliquini – it aims to inform clinical colleagues of the fact that there are preventive possibilities for a pathology that has a high impact on the health of the elderly, frail population and children. By implementing vaccination and preventive policies, we could certainly save money related to hospitalizations, but also aggravations of underlying pathologies, especially in the elderly population. Siti – concludes the president – is committed to trying to spread the culture of prevention as much as possible and to making itself available to find the most appropriate methods of vaccination strategies and public health policies which can prove to be a strong investment for the country. In this way the National Health Service saves money and people also save money.”
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