The irrigation community of the Aragon and Catalonia channel has reduced water consumption by 15% thanks to Siemens technology. This percentage not only It highlights the value of digitalization in water resources managementbut also confirms the extraordinary contribution of data management in real time to increase the effectiveness and safety of the supply. The secret of all efforts is reduced to five words: “Infrastructure digitalization”. With that priority, the new operators control centers are able to “immediately detect the incidents to reduce response times, which improves flow management safely and transparently.”
The work of this community can be considered pioneer in their sector, since so far the distribution systems in irrigation areas were neither automated nor had data transparency. This situation has turned a turn with the installation of two interoperable control centers in Monzón and Binéfar with the aim of covering the five management areas in which the channel is distributed.
The dimension of the project is colossal. In fact, The Aragon and Catalonia channel Add more than 120 years, supplying 49 populations and 129 degers communities. To do this, in addition to urban consumption, it has a flow of 50 cubic meters per second that serves throughout An infrastructure of more than 300 kilometers to a irrigation surface of more than 100,000 hectares.
“At the time of maximum demand, we supply on the channel a flow of 50 cubic meters per second, which totalizes about 500 cubic hectometers of water consumption, which is equivalent to the consumption of a large city such as, for example, Madrid “, he indicates José Luis Pérez, president of the Canal de Aragón y Cataluña. In fact, the water infrastructure of the Riega channel the number one agri -food complex in this country, both for irrigation and farm consumption. processes in which artificial intelligence already participates.
Among other developments, the new cognitive models automatically respond to the requested water demand, without losses during supply management. In addition, that better use of resources project savings of up to 75% in engineering budgets, motivated by the standardization of processes. In that race to multiply the savings and efficiencies of the systemthe next step will consist of “integrating the IT and OT worlds during all the digitalization work,” they explain from Siemens.
Roberto Quintilla, director of exploitation of the Aragon and Catalonia channelemphasizes that “they needed an update of the channel control system and Siemens digitalization technology has been the ideal tool that we have supported.”
César Fernández, Business Development W & ww in SiemensHe points out that “channel field operators have thirty mobile tablet devices with which they can access the Siemens application from anywhere and in any situation to facilitate real -time decision making,” says the manager.
At the same time, from the SCADA of the Control Center, based on WinCC V8, the shots can be geolocate and notify any incidence through messages. The Aragon and Catalonia channel has 350 shots distributed throughout its entire network, a dimension that required its monitoring and management through a single control center. The solution to that challenge was to install the system Siemens Server Basic Telecontrol, which allows you to connect all these shots through mobile networks such as 4G or 5G, to a single central installation, where all that information is collected. “With the use of this telecontrol system, mobile networks are optimized and only information is sent relevant to the process, such as flow or water level. details Lydia González Perdiguero, product manager of Telecontrol in Siemens.
For the safe transmission tasks between service technicians, the central and the installed systems, Sinema Remote Connect and Siemens safety hardware are used, such as the SCALANCE M O SCALANCE MUM routers. This is fulfilled part of the industrial cybersecurity regulations for critical infrastructure collected by the NIS2.
All these technologies are integrated through the partner DControl and it is estimated that they can save up to 75% engineering thanks to the standardization of processes through the use of bookstores. “With the information we collect, We train an artificial intelligence model that is capable of managing the demand for water requested in a more efficient way. Work times and errors are also reduced, since the manual data take -up is replaced by an automated process, “he describes César Andrés, attached to the director of exploitation of the Canal of Aragon and Catalonia.
The next challenge for this infrastructure is to analyze forms of collaboration with Siemens to integrate the IT and OT worlds in the digitalization of the water cycle. To do this, the SCADA will be connected with the user water orders portal with the aim of reducing costs and improving the global efficiency of the system. In the opinion of the president of the Canal of Aragon and Catalonia, the priority objective of the commitment to Siemens technologies is, in short, “the improvement of management, with a clear commitment to the digitalization of all our infrastructure.”
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