The bid rises from 4 to 4.15 euros per title and proposes a variable of 0.65 additional cents per share
Sidenor has moved Trilantic on Wednesday afternoon to take 29.9% Talgo, as this newspaper has been confirmed. The new offer would be closer to the claims of the British fund that wants to get rid of its shares at a price of five euros per title, the amount offered by the Hungarian Magyar Vagon in the OPA vetoed last year by the Government.
Thus, Sidenor raises its offer from 4 euros per title that it offered in November, to 4.15 euros, but adds a 0.65 cents variable to raise it to 4.8 euros, very close to what you ask for Trilantic. The new attempt of the steel of José Antonio Jainaga comes in full offensive of other interested in Talgo such as Polaca Pesa and India Jupiter Wagons, who in recent weeks have shown a strong interest even in launching an OPA.
It would be offers aimed at facing the Government’s anti -foil shield that already liquidated the Hungarian offer. Something that instead would not have to face Sidenor for being Spanish. The company also has the support of the Central Government and the Basque, who today has reiterated by the mouth of the Vicehendakari and Minister of Economy, Labor and Employment, Mikel Torres the “aligned” commitment because the trains manufacturer remains in the hands of local shareholders , which gives “traquility in which the operation is possible”
Torres has spoken that the intention is that Talgo remains “not only in Euskadi, but also remains in the hands of Spanish owners, in this case of a company with obvious Basque capital, with a businessman who is completely recognizable.”
(There will be extension).
#Sidenor #presents #offer #Talgo #brings #price #Hungarian #OPA