Indecent proposal: Shaila Gatta explained that the man sent her an email with a disconcerting proposal to say the least.
Bad story that happened to Shaila Gatta. The former participant in Friends of Maria De Filippi and former showgirl of The news spreads, shared a long outburst on social media. The dancer posted a video on her Instagram stories in which she revealed she had been deeply humiliated by a man. Shaila Gatta explained that the man sent her an email with a disconcerting proposal to say the least.
The man asked Shaila Gatta to spend a night with him in a well-known hotel in Milan in exchange for 10 thousand euros. Needless to say, the shocking proposal was shared precisely to share the dancer's shocked and horrified reaction. The woman subsequently explained the details of the deadly episode:
A few days ago I received an email from a man, whose name and surname I also have, who asked in total anonymity and confidentiality to spend a night with him in a well-known hotel in Milan, specifying that he could offer me a maximum of ten thousand euros. I felt deeply humiliated by this request.

Shaila Gatta also shared an important reflection with his followers. First of all to underline how she felt, and then also to open up to a larger theme, the one linked to all women.
We women are not objects of exchange, we are not listed on the stock exchange, no one deserves to be treated this way, whether man or woman. How dare you place a value on me based on an economic evaluation? My value is immeasurable, and certainly not measured by how much money you offer to be with me.

Shaila Gatta, former dancer of Friendshe also added others details about past experiences. Shaila, in fact, said she had received indecent proposals in the past without being duped and “remaining with her feet on the ground”.
What saddens me is that unfortunately there are women who, to obtain a higher status or an extra luxury item, give in to these temptations. The same goes for men who are reduced to making such requests. I wonder, without your status quo and without your facade, who are you really? What are your values? For me it is aberrant, but it cannot be generalized, because there are women and men who fight for their ideals.
Here Shaila Gatta concludes the story in her Instagram stories with a direct appeal to the proponent of the 10 thousand euros. The message sent to the man, in fact, sends the unwelcome proposal back to the sender, inviting the man to take the money and use it “like toilet paper”. Shaila Gatta concludes:
If I can give you some advice, take a flight and go on a nice trip to Africa so you understand something and do some charity work.
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