Science confirms that the sculptures of ancient Greece and Rome were not only polychrome, but also scented

For centuries, it was believed that Sculptures of ancient Greece and Rome They were white marble. However, studies have shown that many were painted with bright colors. 3D pigment and technology analysis have revealed remains of paint in pieces such as Kore of Fraible. Exhibitions like Chroma: The color of classic sculptures They have denied the idea that they were completely white. Now, a study of the archaeologist and conservative of the Glyptotek Museum of Copenhagen, Cecilie Bronshas revealed that, in addition to being painted, Some sculptures were also scented.

Perfumes and oils in ancient art

According to Brons’s research, published in the Oxford Journal of Archaeologythe practice of perfuming sculptures was not a simple ornament, but a fundamental part of the sensory experience in sacred temples and spaces. “A white marble statue was not destined to be perceived as a stone statue. It was supposed to He had to resemble a real god or goddess”, The researcher explained to the Danish environment VIDENSKAB. This finding changes the way we understand classical art, moving away from stone coldness and bringing it closer to a more immersive dimension.

Evidence in ancient texts

The discovery of Brons is not based only on the physical analysis of sculptures, but also on the review of ancient texts. Writings by Roman authors as Cicero They already mentioned the Practice of anoint statues with scented oils. In the Sicilian city of Segesta, for example, it describes how a statue of Sagebrushgoddess of hunting and nature, was treated with fragrant ointments and essences. Also, inscriptions in temples of the Delos IslandIn Greece, they reveal that some statues were rubbed with rose perfume, suggesting that this practice was institutionalized in certain religious rituals.

The case of Delos is particularly revealing. On this island, considered a religious and commercial center of antiquity, inscriptions have been found that indicate that The cult statues were periodically impregnated with fragrances. In addition, archaeological excavations have identified perfumery workshops in the areawhich reinforces the idea that the fragrances used in these rituals were produced locally and were part of the ceremonial maintenance of the sculptures.

A multisensory experience

The study emphasizes that the relationship with ancient sculptures went beyond the visual. “Admiring a statue in antiquity was not only a visual experience, but also olfactory,” Brons concluded in his research. This suggests that the ancient Greeks and Romans conceived art in a much more sensory way than was thought, incorporating colors, aromas and even tactile rituals to approach their divinities.

Although the study does not detail the exact technique used to perfume sculptures, oils may be applied periodically by priests or devotees. There could also have been specific maintenance rituals, in which the fragrance was replenished as part of a veneration ceremony. In Delosfor example, it has been documented that some statues were treated with Rose perfume as part of cult practices.

Implications for heritage conservation

The discovery raises questions about the conservation of ancient sculptures. Although most of the traces of pigments in statues have disappeared over time, the presence of perfumes opens a new line of research. Could modern chemistry detect remains of essential oils in archaeological pieces? How does this finding influence the way in which museums restore and exhibit these works? The existence of perfumery workshops in places like Delos suggests that these compounds could have been more widespread than it was believed.

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