The almost three years that had passed since the last Conference of Presidents made this Friday’s summit in Santander an extraordinary event. A “planetary event,” some of the territorial barons summoned ironically said. Again, 1,006 days after the last meeting of this type, held in La Palma in 2022, the regional leaders met in the same room with the President of the Government. Conclave to which the Executive had reluctantly arrived – forced by the Supreme Court – and which it tried to resolve with good words and no agreement. “We came without proposals and we leave without answers,” summarized Carlos Mazón, the Valencian president, who in his first event outside his community since the Dana tragedy focused much of the attention of his colleagues. After a brief meeting with the King, who previously spoke for a few minutes with Sánchez alone, the regional presidents entered the room scheduled for the meeting. A not excessively large space, where a long table had been placed on which several folders with blank pages rested. “That has been the definitive proof that there was no interest in reaching agreements,” explained one of the PP barons, disappointed by how a meeting had developed that the Government described as a “success” in the words of Ángel Víctor. Torres, Minister of Territorial Policy. Antagonistic visions of the same event. The first to intervene was the President of the Government, who outlined a series of proposals for each of the issues included in the agenda that from within the meeting described ABC as “empty of content.” «Sánchez has turned this forum, which in its structure is very useful, into a space for reflection and not for agreements. And he does it because he does not have a majority to reach the agreements he wants. That is why he has not prepared anything and has come here to tell only what is good for his partners,” said sources from the popular government of Aragon, in reference to the star proposal of the President of the Executive, who announced the convocation of the Policy Council. Fiscal and Financial (CPFF) for next January. Related News Conference of standard presidents Yes The opposition describes as “disappointing” the refusal to forgive part of the ABC debt They criticize Rueda for defending the PP strategy against the interests of GaliciaAn old demand of the Popular Party, but it came with a trap, since Sánchez only wants to address there the possible reduction of debt to the communities and not the new regional financing model. An issue with which he intended to divide those present and which turned out to be a failure, since the barons of the PP remained firm in rejecting the forgiveness of debts without linking them to a new model that would put an end to the underfinancing suffered by some territories such as the Region of Murcia or the Valencia Community. In fact, it was the latter that took center stage in this matter, when Isabel Díaz Ayuso from Madrid requested that, “if any debt must be forgiven, it should be that of Valencia,” brutally beaten by a woman who has aggravated a financial situation that It was already a limit before October 29. A proposal that all his colleagues share, since the “exceptionality of the situation caused by the flood does deserve an extraordinary movement,” point out other territorial sources of the PP consulted by ABC. What all the territories rule out is a linear reduction and, even less, unrelated to a new financing system that the President of the Government did not commit to presenting in January. “We get the feeling that what is interesting about this CPFF is the reduction that benefits those that have the most debt, especially Catalonia,” denounced the Andalusian Juanma Moreno, who said he left “very worried after hearing the president’s words in which has confirmed the bilaterality of some Spaniards over others. We are afraid that he will use the removal as a band-aid and that is unacceptable.” Over time, Sánchez extended his speech to reveal the proposals that he had not conveyed to the presidents until that moment, described as “generalities” by several of those present. In terms of housing, he asked to apply the current law in the field and announced a reform of the Land Law that he already tried without success last summer. To solve the migration crisis, it was limited to requesting the “solidarity distribution” of unaccompanied minors and asking communities to join the Government’s “responsible and supportive immigration policy, based on science and not prejudice.” By then, the faces of disbelief were the majority in the room. Finally, Sánchez announced a fund of 223 million to finance “the adoption and development of new health solutions based on Artificial Intelligence”, but did not assume any commitment to the creation of new MIR positions, which he linked in any case to “co-financing of the autonomies.” Once their turn was over, with no time limit, that of the territorial barons began, this time estimated at ten minutes that Sánchez himself was in charge of controlling with selective zeal, warning some presidents and letting others do their thing. «Illa and Pradales have not been caught by the passing of time. Nor to Ayuso. “He didn’t dare,” said a person from one of the territorial delegations of the PP with an ironic point. Sánchez had no qualms with the socialist Emiliano García-Page, who urged him to finish before the Castilian-Lamanchego stood up to him. “I know, president, but if I prorate the topics for the three years that this conference has not been convened…”, he noted. Especially ugly was the gesture towards Mazón, who went on longer than necessary when having to talk about the dana and its consequences in Valencia, and also to the vice president of Melilla, whom he unceremoniously cut off when he arrived exactly ten minutes in. “You are not president, you cannot go on any longer,” he snapped, according to some of those present in the room. “It was someone else’s shame,” those sources explained. After the meeting, the balance was diametrically opposite. Satisfied in the Government – “it has been a success”, said Minister Torres – and disappointed in the autonomies. “He has not committed to anything and has not answered our questions about how multilateral bilaterality or the bilateral multilateralism that he preaches so much can be combined,” said Mazón, who thanked Ayuso’s proposal on the forgiveness of Valencia’s debt for the dana, but that demanded that it be done within a fairer financing model. Council of Ayuso a IllaThe Madrid president and Sánchez greeted each other coldly. A timid handshake that he also reproduced with Salvador Illa, to whom he recommended applying the economic recipes of Madrid in Catalonia. “If Madrid and Catalonia went hand in hand, we would be unstoppable in Europe,” he said. Sources close to the Madrid native acknowledged her desire to build bridges with the Catalan president, although “it is complicated at the moment.” Illa openly confronted the Madrid president, accusing her of confusing Catalonia with the independentists. Ayuso did charge against Sánchez during their face to face. After the president had spoken of a “composite State” to refer to Spain, the woman from Madrid replied that “we are a State of autonomies, not a federal one. Therefore, if someone wants to change everything, they should put it in their electoral program and let the Spanish people decide in an election.
#Sánchez #fails #divide #regions #refuse #forgive #debt