Salvini, the meeting with Trump with Musk's help. The move to “take back” the League
Matteo Salvini knows that in the coming months a lot will be played out on a political level, a flop at European from the League and even an overtaking of Forza Italia they would not be digested by the Northern League base. This is why the deputy prime minister is thinking of a trip to United Stateswith a clear objective: to be received by Donald Trump. Here is the confidential plan Salvini is working on, confirmed to Repubblica by top-level Northern League sources. A mission facilitated by the relationship with the Maga wing of the Republicans, in which the Northern League is investing everything. But above all, taking advantage of the increasingly close relationship with Elon Muskwhich is a direct expression of the tycoon, a public manifestation, a private inspiration.
Salvini's – continues Repubblica – is a ambitious project. Which would have a thunderous effect in Italy, but above all in the heart of the government. Because it's obvious the big target to which the deputy prime minister is aiming: challenge Giorgia Meloni and bypass her in the relationship with Trump, making her serve time the political investment in Joe Biden. But it's not enough. The Northern League member is also trying to get more votes on two measures dear to the League, not just the building amnesty but also autonomy. By putting pressure on Meloni, he obtained that the bill arrives in the Chamber on April 29th. A stretch, with the aim of get the final green light before the European Championships. It is not certain that he will succeed, given the very tight deadlines and due to the electoral campaign which will impose a parliamentary halt. A postponement of the final vote cannot therefore be ruled out. Which, ultimately – concludes Repubblica – Meloni wouldn't mind either.
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