Ilaria Salis and her Hungarian lawyer in the round
Ilaria Salis, here are all the charges: she risks up to 20 years in prison
What is Ilaria Salis at risk? Repubblica tries to give an answer fearing the worst case scenario: “More than twenty years in prison for having caused wounds that healed in eight days in one case, and in 5-6 in another, to some neo-Nazis hit during road clashes. In fact, the Italian activist is not only accused of injuries, which would have caused her much shorter sentences. But she is also accused of being part of a terrorist association active in Germany (in Leipzig and other cities” the Hungarians write in the indictments) which moved specifically to attack the Nazis, in order to prevent them from any further activity. policy, with pre-established attack techniques after specific training”.
There has already been a trial against this association in Germany, but Repubblica writes “in the 800 pages of documents that the Salis family was able to consult there is never even a reference to Ilaria. How is it possible, then, that on the basis of a train ticket bought (according to the prosecution there is a association because it was Salis who bought the tickets to go to Budapest to counter-demonstrate) Hungary comes to such a serious accusation? Not supported by any evidence, at least evident, given that the prosecution documents have not been made available to the defense?”
As Repubblica recalls, “in recent days the Hungarians had advised Italy to have the girl negotiate a plea deal, in order to speed up her return to Italy: it's a pity, however, that the plea bargain proposal had been for 11 years in prison, with a ban on access to alternative measures”.
The Minister of Justice intervenes in the matter Carlo Nordio in a long interview with La Stampa, to which he says he felt “pain and surprise”. He then explains: “As long as the trial lasts, Hungarian jurisdiction is sovereign. Neither the Hungarian nor the Italian government can intervene. Imagine what would happen if I called a magistrate to recommend the fate of a defendant. It would be called, and rightly so, sacrilege. The ministry of Justice, in the case of Italian citizens arrested abroad, does not have any power of intervention because assistance is entrusted to the Farnesina. The Ministry of Justice intervenes only if cooperation tools are activated by the interested parties or their lawyers judicial proceedings which provide for acts of the central authorities. However, it is possible to operate on the penitentiary treatment front, so that European standards are respected. An important vehicle is made up of the guarantors: days ago I received the new college, which can contact its Hungarian counterpart. If you really want to obtain a concrete result, experience suggests acting with prudence, without raising controversies that could irritate the other party and have the opposite effect. This is what my colleague Tajani – with whom we are in constant contact – and our government are doing. I personally explained everything to Ilaria's father in the meeting last January 23rd. However, I assured him of our support and I will return tomorrow to give him an update on the situation.”
“I met the president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, it's time to make an appeal to all political forces and all journalists to tone down and extinguish the controversies because the time has come to let the people of the institutions work peacefully who are making a valid contribution to resolving the unfortunate situation. Now what really matters is to protect the interests, in terms of dignity and civil rights, of my daughter Ilaria.” Ilaria Salis' father, Roberto, said it in a telephone connection with 'Five minutes'.
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