Russia | Writer Boris Akunin was declared a foreign agent

Akunin has previously openly criticized Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. Several of Akunin's books have also been published in Finnish.

Popular Russian writer Boris Akunin was declared an “agent of a foreign power” in Russia on Friday, reports the news agency Reuters.

The Russian Ministry of Justice justified the decision, among other things, by the fact that Akunin has criticized Russia's “special operation” in Ukraine. Special operation is the term by which Russia calls its war of aggression in Ukraine.

At the same time, the ministry accused the writer of spreading false and negative information about Russia and collecting money for the Ukrainian army.

The battery is a very popular detective story writer in Russia, whose books have also been published in Finnish. He's real Grigori Chhartishvili.

Akunin recently commented on his appointment as a foreign power agent on social media.

“They write that today I have been declared a foreign agent. Me, a terrorist and an extremist?! I know myself [Osama] bin Ladenwho has been issued a parking fine,” he wrote, according to Reuters.

Akunin has been open about his critical attitude towards Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. For example, after the war started in February 2022, he condemned the Russian attack in the harshest terms on Facebook.

At that time he told To HS that judging the attack is easy for him because he lives in London.

In December was reportedthat of Akunin and another Russian writer Dmitri Bykov the works were withdrawn from sale in Russia after the authors spoke to pranksters about their support for Ukraine. Bykov has already been declared a foreign agent in Russia.

In Russia, being declared an agent of a foreign power obliges a person, for example, to identify themselves as an agent in social media and other publications, and imposes heavy financial reporting requirements on them, reports Reuters.

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