He Judgment against Luis RubialesJorge Vilda, Albert Luque and Rubén Rivera will be seen for sentence this week if the optimistic forecasts of the judge are met, which in the last session of the view held at the National Court adjusted the calendar … so that the few witnesses left to appear on Monday and the defendants begin to do so, no later than Wednesday. Thursday would be the reports of conclusions of the parties and with them, the end point.
This calendar is fulfilled or not, which depends largely on what the four are extended during their statements, the trial meets their final stretch these days, but with outstanding milestones that can tip the balance in favor of accusations or defenses against the stories of the witnesses who were heard last week in the view room. From the complainant herself, Jennifer Hermoso, to strong people in the Federation, such as the former director of Communication, Pablo García Cuervo, or the former women’s soccer president Rafael del Amo, through the current coach, Luis de la Fuente, to the players Mass Rodríguez, Irene Paredes, Laia Codina and Alexia Putellas, drew with more or less precision (and some other contradiction) the image of a strategy to save Rubiales from the media bonfire after the kiss in the World Cup medallero in August 2023 .
If these maneuvers were translated into crimes of coercion on beautiful or not, it is yet to settle. It will also be answered these days if the kiss, as both the player and the witnesses who were with her say, was not consented and its criminal relevance.
Start now key moment of defensesboth for the forcefulness of the stories presented by the accused themselves, and for the effectiveness of the documentary and expert evidence that they are going to submit to the plenary.
This section highlights three keys. The first, an expert made by a Lip reading expert contributed by the defense of Rubiales who intends to prove that he proposed “a piquito” to beautiful and assumed that she consent. It should be remembered that in the only video of that moment she is on his back, so it is not her lips that are going to be read, and that in any case, he held his head covering his ears at a time that lasted, like She would declare, thousandths of second.
Another relevant test is a video that was already part last week at the National Court. The brother of Hermoso, the leader of the accusation of coercion against Vilda because he went to whom he went on the plane, in theory, to tell him that his sister should help Rubiales because he already had “little football” at his age, He defended in a television interview only a few hours after the incident. That part of the conversation with the journalist did not be issued, but the defense has the brutes. He specifically says that there were no coercion to families and, less, of the then coach.
The third is not discharge but charge. The “unfortunate” messages, which would say Albert Luque’s lawyer in the room, which he sent to Jennifer Hermoso’s friend, Ana Ecube, after trying to visit the player in Ibiza without her receiving him. «Tell Jenni on me that this is two days and that You will find later, alone», He tells him, after crossing his refusal to publicly exculpate Rubiales, for example.
Montse’s time I took
There is one more, which affects Rivera, and they are also messages. Those who contributed his defense to show that he would not be pressing the player when he kept writing naturally during the stay in Ibiza to ask for efforts such as buying a bikini or making a reservation.
When these and other evidence have been exhibited in the Chamber, it will be the turn of the declaration of the defendants, who can choose who they are questioned and to what extent they answer.
But first he has to listen to the national coach Montse I tookwhich opens on Monday the day as a witness and that ‘in extremis’ entered the list, as in instruction. During the investigations, he survived that the fact that beautiful was not summoned to the first team of the National Team after winning the World Cup was another consequence of not having defended Rubiales, especially because the idea that was transferred at the time is that the decision I was looking to “protect it” from media pressure.
The investigating judge, Francisco de Jorge, refused to call as a witness because he understood that they were facts that had nothing to do with the kiss and coercion, but the Criminal Chamber admitted an resource of the defense of Vilda and forced him to He listened to it in court, where he argued sports reasons.
The prosecutor has asked several witnesses these days for the exclusion of Hermoso and Judge Fernández-Prieto has put pegas because, as the instructor in his day, he does not see what relationship he can have with the facts that are judged. However, Your testimony is admitted as proof And you have to practice it. You will have to detail with the obligation to tell the truth why she left her out.
#Rubiales #trial #week #final #stretch