With his ministerial word mounted in the crutch of ideological discourse and under the echo of Oles of populism, the minister decided arbitrarily, that not discretionary -as would underline Page in a brave onslaught -that during his mandate the last National Prize would be dragged of bullfighting. … Everything coinciding with European elections in which, as the president of Castilla-La Mancha would remember, it did not go very well stopped. Come on, like Cagancho in Almagro …
Ernest Urtasun, ‘Finito de Plaza del Rey’, has turned his office into the barrier that separates him from the people of the bull. But its task has ended with the pitos of sun and shadow, with the right and left anger, with the resurgence of fans and the definitive impulse for society, to be tired of censures, fill the lying. Thank you, Mr. Minister, because without his sectarianism he would not have spoken so much about bulls, the rebellion of youth would not have been awakened. You deserve an honorable mention as responsible for the public’s boom. Much of this we commented on the bus that led us to part of the jury from Madrid to Toledo, including the teacher Paco Ojeda, a period figure and without hairs in the tongue, or that of Juan José Padilla, sewn to grenade. Both knowledgeable about the value of the sacrifice, knowledgeable about the value of respect. That said, Mr. Minister of Culture and, therefore, of Bullfighting: Thank you, because without your ‘collaboration’ I would not have had the honor of sharing such an extraordinary day.
To the hole of the needles the lunge to the Ministry of Culture. In front and by right, or by left -handed, as you like, nine autonomous communities have been planted to return to the party the prize that should never have retired. Among the brave, Emiliano García-Page, the socialist president who has had the daring to dress of lights to Castilla-La Mancha. Always in defense of bullfighting, always in defense of freedom, always in defense of traditions and culture, always in defense of those who earn bread in the bullfighting.
While the Catalan minister prefers to fill the showcases of his office of communist or goyas caganers with a scent of political and biodegradable smoke, the society rows in favor of a party that is much more than a cultural industry: it is, despite whom he despite him. , the mirror in which much of the Spanish soul is reflected.
Without the need for flares or demagogies, but with a solid conviction, that of freedom, nine regions, with the foundation of the bull to front -the implication of Victorino and Cardelús -have decided to return to bullfighting the prize it deserves. And so, which bull that grows before the punishment, this new award has emerged, with the noble intention of claiming freedom and culture against contemporary puritanism. Those Puritans unable to face the truth of a show that is life and that is death. As reflected intimately and fiercely in the ‘Apartes de Soledad’ of Albert Serra, where the actor is not fictional, but real, Roca Rey, the last contemporary hero, and the other great protagonist, the bull, is not telidarigido with artifice intelligence , but it gives trucks. The truth of life and death. The same to which the farmers dedicate their time as guardians of the Bravo, as generators of green employment, as maintainers of that essential rural Spain, so cited already so forgotten.
Is culture not testimony to what we are, what we were and what we will be? Minister Urtasun, in his eagerness to mold reality at will, seems to have forgotten that culture is not decreed or canceled: it is lived, feels, spreads and defends itself. And these last two verbs are part of their obligation as a minister: feel or like, of course, it is not imposed. But promoting a cultural heritage such as bullfighting goes in its salary. Faced with their sectarianism, 9comunities9 have taken the step forward, without the need for the approval of the ministerial (and governmental) arbitrator, who takes out his particular VAR every time something bothers him. Spain will celebrate the ours again, which is also universal. And ours, who doubts it, is the bull, the square, the art of Madrid, of Andalusia, of Albacete, of La Rioja, of Salamanca or of Extremadura, with Ignacio Higuero in its firm defense of the Earth, which is land of bulls.
It is curious, in addition, how a part of the left, so given to claim folklore when it interests and suits him, has decided in this case to ignore the popular clamor. Maybe it’s because bullfighting does not fit into the narrative of its partners. But, there is no ideological story that can contain the onslaught of a brave bull or the oil of awarded tenders or that of conviction in his values of a socialist president as a page. The new Bullfighting National Award is not only a triumph of culture, but also a reminder that politics should not forget its roots or abandon the people. No, it is not that a minister has to dress in lights, but it would not be more legislate with lights.
The criticisms of the east and the west of adding, of Ernets and Yolandas, of Podemitas Minds of yes is yes, was there, or was it? What a mess, what a recoil. The setback of prohibiting, censoring and cornering a culture that forges our identity. Mr. Urtasun, there is no major censorship to pretend that culture adapts to the whim of a minister. Enough of puritanisms, cultural freedom implies the sacrifice of our tastes and an opening of minds. And that God distributes luck.
#Rosario #Pérez #Lord #Minister #Tauromaquia