The City Council of Riudecanyes (Baix Camp), a town hard hit by a drought that has lasted here for three years, has recommended to its 1,300 residents by letter that they reduce the time they take showers or baths because the town’s water is contaminated. Almost two months ago, the City Council asked not to drink or cook with the water that comes out of the taps for health and safety reasons. Now he has been forced to take another step, following the instructions of the Department of Health of the Generalitat.
Two months ago, the City Council asked not to drink or cook with the water that comes out of the taps for health reasons.
Riudecanyes depends on its reservoir for its drinking water supply, at 1.6% capacity due to the lack of rainfall and controversial management of the reservoir at the regional level. According to the letter signed yesterday by the mayor, Ernest Roigé (ERC), the Department of Health has now alerted them that exposure to trihalomethanes, an organic chemical compound, also occurs through the skin. As detailed by the mayor in his statement, this exposure to trihalomethanes occurs “when showers or baths are of long duration.”
The third well drilled in Riudecanyes by the City Council
The City Council’s recommendation, “reduce” the time residents spend in showers or bathrooms “as a preventive measure.”
Criticism of the municipal opposition
“Now we are dealing with a health issue, we cannot play, they should bring drinking water tankers, now”

The Riudecanyes reservoir, in a spring image, has never fallen to such low levels in history
The statement has generated, despite the call for calm, concern among the neighbors. Some banners appeared this morning asking the City Council for solutions, warning that “you don’t play with health” and asking that tankers be brought with drinking water to deal with the emergency. The banners were removed early in the morning, according to Junts, in the opposition.
Swamp water in poor condition due to drought
Salut has alerted Riudecanyes that exposure to trihalomethanes, a chemical compound, also occurs through the skin
Junts has publicly criticized the City Council’s way of acting through social networks. Carles Samarra, councilor for Junts, in the opposition in the Riudecanyes City Council, has also denounced the situation to this newspaper and demands solutions. “Until now we have been very patient because the drought situation is very complex. But now we are dealing with a health issue, we cannot play, they should bring cisterns of drinking water. Let them arrive now, we are losing time and we may have health problems in the long run,” Samarra warned.
The Vanguard He tried to contact the mayor of Riudecanyes this morning to obtain more information, but so far it has been impossible.
For almost two months, in Riudecanyes, jugs of water have been distributed to the 1,300 residents for drinking and cooking. The City Council is also drilling a third well, after two failed attempts, hoping that it will be at least a temporary solution for municipal supply.
The medium-term solution, the definitive one, involves connecting with the water of the Ebro mini transfer, through the network of the Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona (CAT). A solution for other towns in Baix Camp that are also in a critical situation due to the lack of significant rain for three years.
In the letter, the mayor reminds his neighbors that shortening the time of showers or baths, apart from being a preventive health measure, will be a way to save water at this time of drought.
#Riudecanyes #asks #residents #shorten #shower #time #water #contaminated