Reader’s Opinion | A good working life is created by collective power

Instead of moralizing young people, unions should look in the mirror.

Valtteri Mäyrälä brought in the interview (HS 29.8.) bring out important perspectives on the relationship between young people and trade unions. Young people are interested in working life and discuss related topics on social media. Unfortunately, few connect these themes to unions, even though they are the core of trade union activities. When young people compete for work shifts with others, it can feel like there is no common strength and everyone has to manage on their own. An individual-centered society drives young people away, even though a safe and good working life is created by collective power.

Young instead of moralizing, the unions should look in the mirror: Do the unions give space to young people’s concerns and do they involve young people in shaping the direction of future working life? Young people deserve strong unions that take an interest in and take seriously the labor market position of young people better than at present. It is also important that the unions are represented by people who can relate to different people in a variety of ways.

Young people deserve strong unions.

Along with the problem of short-term work brought up by Mäyrälä, coping at work and mental health are increasingly critical themes. The reality of working life is that the individual is held responsible for coping at work, even though the employer is responsible for the framework, goals and resources of the working conditions. As work becomes more and more mentally taxing, the rules of the game in working life must be changed to make them psychosocially safer. In addition to safety shoes, we need protective factors for mental health.

Degree of organization and the unity of the workers ultimately decide when wages and working conditions are negotiated. A decreasing degree of organization can lead to weaker bargaining power and salary development. With the cooperation of unions and employers, we can at best return to the previous career of strong productivity in Finland.

Trade unions must boldly raise issues concerning people of all ages. This must be done when negotiating working conditions, but as the contract system changes, legislation must also be influenced more and more strongly. Our generation deserves strong unions. It is not only our right but also our responsibility to build a working life that looks like ourselves.

Maria Mäkynen

doctoral researcher on the revolution in work,

social relations director

Trade Union Pro

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