Precipitation will return this Saturday in A new meteorologically unstable day. Thus, there will be strong rains and showers in large areas of the Peninsula, especially at the end southeast and in Melilla. In addition, temperatures will significantly lower and only in coastal areas of Levante and Andalusia will be exceeded 10 degrees of minimum.
According to the spokesman of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), Rubén del Campo, the only area that will be fought from the rains will be the north third. The most abundant rainfall on Saturday will probably occur in the Mediterranean area, above all, on the coast of Almería and Murciaas well as in the islands of Ibiza and Formentera and in Melilla.
In addition, in all these areas rainfall may be strong and accompanied by storm. Also, the Snow level It could be located last hours of the day above only 700 or 800 meters in the north and between 800 to 1,000 meters in the downtown area, that is, it can snow in populated areas and affect these snowfalls to communication channels.
In the same way, daytime temperatures will significantly lower, especially the minimum, which They will be below 10 degrees in almost all territories, except for the coastal provinces of Levante and Andalusia. On the other hand, the maxims will increase in the peninsular southwest, decreasing in the rest of the country moderately and notably in the south of the northern plateau. On the other hand, in the Balearic Islands, the minimums will increase slightly.
Likewise, they will be given Weak frosts in mountains and in nearby northern half -peninsular areasbeing moderate in Pyrenees. There is probable that there is calima in the southeast peninsular and Alborán, being able to cause rainfall to be in mud.
In the Canary Islands the cloudy skies will predominate with weak to moderate rainfallespecially in the north in the morning and in areas of the interior in the afternoon, when they can be in the form of showers. These rains are less likely in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.
For its part, Temperatures will be in a slight decrease in all islands. There will be moderate north component wind, with some strong interval in east and west slopes at dawn, progressively tending to loose.
Finally, the AEMET spokesman warns that it is “convenient” that the population is reported from the COUNTRY OF THE COUNTRY Throughout the weekend before embarking on a trip, if it will be done.
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