Rai, the level playing field and the clash in the Supervisory Authority on the rules for journalists
In Rai supervision there is a lot of agitation about the new rules on equal conditions in view of the European elections. The discussion heated up even more amending proposal by Maria Elena Woods (IV) vice-president of the bicameral parliament, who hypothesized that guest journalists should also be considered in the equal conditions calculation. “It seems clear to me – explained Boschi – that a commentator or a journalist that can participate without contradiction to a debate and legitimately express his opinions can have a similar effect to that of a politic“. With the new rules the event most at risk is the key one: the duel between the leaders, Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein.
But it's not just this – reports Il Corriere della Sera – that it does discuss. On the new regulation that should regulate the level playing field on TV, dictated by the Communications Authority (Agcom) one thing is certain: all broadcasters, even private ones, are in turmoil. There is already an air of appeals. As for Rai, invited yesterday to the hearings held by the Supervisory Commission, which must specify the rules for the public broadcaster, it sent a letter signed from the legal department with numerous amending proposals. The discussion rages over the new rules that impose, in addition to usual quantitative criteria, also some qualitative indications. The number of comments was such that the deadline for amendments in Supervision it has been postponed until tomorrow.
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